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Lmao this is probably gonna turn out really bad but here I go. So basically Kokichi's parents were abusive and negligent therefore he ran away. Nagito found him and took him in, raising him as a son. Kokichi calls Nagito dad and when Nagito got accepted to Hopes Peak and didn't come back Kokichi applied to try and find him. After Nagito disappeared, Kokichi started DICE and became what Nagito was for him to all of the others. Kokichi and Nagito haven't seen each other or had contact since Nagito left. Kokichi just found out where all the members of Danganronpa 2 were staying and decided to take a trip there and hopefully find Nagito.

Hajime POV:

There was a loud banging on the door that made everyone in the house jump. We never had visitors.

"Well, someone should get the door. It wouldn't be polite to not answer whoever it is." Sonia said, breaking the silence.

"I'll get it" I said, standing up and walking to the door. I opened it only to see and short boy with purple hair that stuck up in kind of half loops. "May I help you?" I asked the boy.

He nodded many times. I wasn't sure if he was eager, nervous, or just normally hyper. Maybe more than one.

"I'm looking for a Nagito Komaeda. Is he here?" The boy asked. I was taken aback by the question. Nagito never talked about having anyone who he was close to before Danganronpa.

"Yeah, he is" I said hesitantly. "Why are you looking for him?" I looked the boy up and down.

When I said that his eyes lit up and he shoved past me and zoomed into the house.

"Hey!" I yelled, turning and running after him.

He darted into the living room where everyone was sitting. I was right behind him. He looked around before his eyes landed on a certain person.

"Dad!" He yelled, lunging at Nagito and enveloping him in a hug.

Nagito's eyes widened. "Kokichi??" He asked the purple haired boy.

"Yep!" The boy chirped excitedly.

Everyone had gone quite and was staring at the duo.

"Dad?!" I basically shrieked.

The purple haired boy looked between me and Nagito as if he was studying something. As he seemed to come to some type of conclusion his lips twisted into a mischievous smile. "Oooooh, Dad is he your boyfriend?" He cooed as both me and him turned a bright red. "Y'know, I'm a little sad that you didn't tell my new Pops about me." He said, sticking out his lip in a pout.

I was a blushing and stuttering mess at this point and Nagito looked extremely embarrassed as well.

"Will somebody explain to me what the fuck is happening?!" Hiyoko yelled, obviously annoyed.

Kokichi turned around so that he was sitting in Nagito's lap (just a cute father-son thing, nothing more). "Well, I'm assuming that Dad didn't mention anything about me."

Everyone nodded.

Kokichi hummed thoughtfully. "Well, Nagito isn't my birth dad but he took me in when I didn't have anywhere to go. He basically raised me so I call him Dad." He explained.

"That's really sweet of you Nagito" Chiaki commented.

"Oh" he said turning to me. Suddenly his cheery attitude disappeared and a menacing look replaced his smile. "If you hurt my dad I won't hesitate to set everything you own on fire." He then leaned back and smiled at Nagito.

Nagito looked back at him proudly. "That's my son" He then paused and seemed to think for a second. "Kokichi, not that I don't want you here but, how did you get here?"

Kokichi's face fell a bit. "Well, after you got accepted to Hopes Peak and then disappeared I started an organization called DICE. They were all orphans or runaways with really sucky lives. I wanted to be for them what you were for me. And I care about them a lot but it was really hard without you there. So" Kokichi took a shaky breath. "I applied to Hopes Peak too" He said quietly.

"But that means-" Ibuki started only to be cut off.

"Yeah, I was in Danganronpa." He looked at Nagito and smiled sadly. "And...I'm dead"


(707 words)

Kokichi Meets Danganronpa 2Where stories live. Discover now