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2 years earlier

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I hate him. I hate him so much.

Going on a date with me to get closer to my friend? Was he serious? All men have is audacity.

And to think I had a crush on the boy, disgraceful. I was so happy getting ready, I even wore a red dress and cute pumps. I sighed. Should've known he wasn't interested in the date. He took me to McDonald's wearing a sports jersey and shorts, that was my first clue. I don't know, maybe I was nervous. Maybe I was blinded by how much I liked him. Maybe it was his dimples, or his soft hair and intelligent mind he always seemed to hide? Ugh. Stop it! You're supposed to hate him, not find reasons to like him!

Kim Namjoon, to my face, told me he liked Ramona while on a date with me...The same friend who tried to hook us up, knowing I had a crush on Namjoon for a year now.

Laying in the mess of my pillows, streaking mascara and snot into the satin covers, I sat up in my bed and revisited the horrible night I had. As my mind spiraled and hiccups erupted out of my whining chest, I cried hard all over again.

I grabbed my school notebook, making a note to never date a freshman in University ever again. Tears slipped onto the pages as my black marker traced angrily onto the page. I needed to vent out my feelings, journal my experiences, so if he did try to use me again I could look at this notebook and be reminded of his terrible actions...

Reasons Namjoon is a dick: (RANT)

- He planned stupid date.

- On a stupid date, checking out women in front of me (didn't try to hide it either)

- Bought me a soft drink after stealing the one I paid for! Mine!

- Drove me back to my apartment and reached for the door to kick me out. I thought he was going to kiss me so I leaned in- WHY WOULD DO YOU EVEN WANT TO KISS HIM AFTER SUCH A BAD DATE?

- He said a few things that broke my heart...

Hesitating to continue scribbling in anger, I nibbled on my pouting lip. I did the worst for myself, revisiting the end of the night. The very moment which made me burst into tears.

Where to begin? Oh right, let's start from where he reached over me to open my door. I huffed as the sound of the creaking car door drowned my disappointment. "This night has been a fucking disaster."

The dimpled man smiled. "Great, no hopes for a second date then."

My eyes narrowed. "What?"

Namjoon shrugged, face scrunching. "I took you out tonight so your hot friend would get off my back about it, claiming you had some sort of crush on me or something? A forced date if you will."

I couldn't hide my expression. Shock encompassed my being, while a blush crept on my cheeks. "Why would you do that?"

"To entertain Ramona. Maybe she'll give me a chance now? I mean I agreed to take you out. The only reason she said 'no' to me was because you liked me. But after today, I'm pretty sure that ship has sailed right? How does the girl code work again?" He was smiling, amused by the situation. In his mannerisms, he acted as if I'd understand his motives, maybe even supported him.

How delusional.

"So this was about using me to get to someone else?" My voice was laced with pure distaste. "You're disgusting."

Namjoon shook his head. "Not using, no. I'm being brutally honest right now, aren't I?"

With tense muscles, I stared at the man in astonishment. "You can't seriously justify this."

"I had to do something to make your crush disappear, it's a roadblock in my path." Namjoon sighed, trying to hold my hand in reassurance. "You're not my type, but I'm sure someone else-"

I whacked his hand away from me, mumbling in curses. Smiling in a fake persona, I held my ground. Strong to not let tears fall in front of him, as anger took a course. "I'm guessing tearing up a girl's self-esteem works for you regularly?"

Namjoon searched my face. It almost looked like he felt remorse or guilt for what he said. With a lean over again, instead of the car door, his face inched before mine. He flirted in mockery. "Is it working for you?"

"Gross." I kissed my teeth near the man's face, having an urge to spit. Refraining from doing so, tears were collecting quicker than I thought. I had to get out of his car.

I did. I ran out, slamming the side of his car with a strong force, wanting the already busted 2006 Honda to shatter with my curse words as feet carried my ego inside. I didn't turn back to see any of Namjoon's reaction, nor did I aim to care anymore.

One phrase repeated in my head then, and it stuck with me now. Insecurity lurking as I stared down at my tear-stained notebook on my lap.

I wrote the final note on my list...

- Never good enough for people like him :(

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[ Novella (short story) - Coming Soon ]

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 25, 2023 ⏰

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