Chapter 02- The Very Pretty Stranger

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'I just asked you for directions, you don't have to get all worked up like that...'

Alice woke up to the sounds of chirping birds and the water rushing in the creek nearby...and bickering sounds.

She'd fallen asleep on the grass the night before.

'If you go this way, you'll reach Somewhere, and if you go that way- and, mind you, it's the road not taken- you'll reach Everywhere-'

'"Somewhere", "Everywhere", what are you on about lad?' the voice said, impatiently, 'I asked you for a way to the exit of this maze.'

'I've never heard of "The Exit of this Maze"! Are you sure you're right in your head?' Mr.Rabbit was talking to the anonymous voice.

Alice got up from the ground and decided to see what all these sounds were about.
She turned around the corner, still listening intently. She could hear the person sighing loudly in frustration. A few more steps further and she saw the body the anonymous voice belonged to.

A boy stood there, hovering over tiny Mr.Rabbit. He spoke every word slowly, emphasising each word, as though Mr.Rabbit didn't understand English. He spoke slowly, pausing with each word, trying to put his thoughts into words.

He looked pretty from where she could see him.

'May I help you?' Alice decided to interject. She walked over to them from behind the bushes, where she'd been hiding.

He immediately turned to her, relief washing over his face.

'Yes! Could you please tell me how I can get out of here? I really want to go home. Got something very important to do. Could possibly be the best day of my life...' He rambled on.

'I wish I could help you, but I'm sorry, I don't know how to get out from here.' she replied, putting on her best "I'm helpless" façade. 'In fact, I've been stuck here for a long time too. If I knew, I'd be out of here in no time.'

The boy's hopeful face fell, his shoulders slumping in a look of defeat.A helpless sigh escaped his rosy pink lips.

He slowly turned around, mumbling something under his breath which Alice couldn't quite catch.

Then she remembered that she hadn't introduced herself. Where were her manners!

'Oh, I'm sorry, forgot to introduce myself. I'm Alice!' she extended her hand for a shake.

The boy turned around slowly, shook her hand and with a small smile, said,'I'm Harry. Harry Selley. Nice to meet you!'

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