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Fred POV
I was sat at the window when I saw a figure walking straight towards the forest , the moon illuminate the figure allowing me to make our who they were ... my heart skipped a beat
"GEORGE!" I yelled as he jumped "Y/N going to the forest!" George ran to the window and went nearly as pale as me as we ran out the common room avoiding Percys questions and yelling. Me and George were running like the end of the world was approaching , out the castle grounds and straight into the forest without hesitation. Luckily she wasn't to deep into the forest yet , me and George grabbed her but she wouldn't stop walking and her eyes were glossed over
"Y/N , Y/N can you hear me !?" I shook her but nothing changed
"It's like she's been hexed ?" George said as I filled with dread , I swept her up princess style as George summoned light at the end of his wand as we ran out the forest straight to Hagrids hut as it was the closest thing to us at the time. We banged on the door as Hagrid answered with a huge cross bow
"What are you two three-"
"Hagrid Y/N has been hexed or something ," I interrupted panickedly Hagrid moved to the side allowing us in as we laid her on the bench in his house. Hagrid moved over to her gently lifting her eye lids when suddenly she snapped awake , pale and dark circles under her eyes
"GET OFF ME!" She yelled wriggling and trying to hit Hagrid as he held her down "GET OFF!" She screamed viciously sending a glare over to me and George. She kept screaming and yelling
"You two go get Dumbledore immediately!" Hagrid said seriously as we ran out the hut luckily we ran into him in the corridors , Y/N scream echoing in the distance. We explained to him as we raced down to Hagrid's cottage with Snape and Mcgonagall who Dumbledore had fetched along the way. When we got back to the hut Y/N looked like a ghost and was sweating while doing a maniac laugh as Hagrid was still holding her down with ease
"You boys shouldn't be seeing this," Mcgonagall said as she shooed us out but my feet were glued to the floor
"Fred come on we will just be in the way," George told me sadly , tears springed to my eyes as Mcgonagall said something unexpected
"Mr Weasley , I know you care for Miss Black but do as your brother says ," I looked up at her nodding unsure of my own decision as George practically pulled me to the common room from me being in a daze from worry and dread.

In the hut , Hagrids POV
Y/N was yelling and saying things I know she did not mean , as they were vile things only certain people would yell about so casually. I kept her held down with one hand as she hit me but it didn't hurt it was like being poked
"She's under the imperious kirse," Dumbledore said before whispering into Y/N ear
"Y/N you have to fight , will it away ," , it took a few minutes but it worked she was back to normal but in a lot of pain and limp from exhaustion before she passed out.

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