Avoidance~Chapter Two

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     "Myste! Hey, Myste!" Xaniir yells. Girls who overhear throw me dirty looks. I don't spare him a glance, feeling my anger rise again. What does this kid want now?! "Myste, wait up!" He shouts, this time louder.

     "What do you want now, Xaniir? Your tutoring doesn't start until seven." I don't even turn back to see if he's in hearing range. I just want to go home. He doesn't take the hint from the exasperated tone of my voice. Dumb kid.

     "Can't we have the lesson at your house?" I flinch at his question. When I started tutoring him I purposefully kept my background information hidden. He would suck up to my parents and begin hitting on me. Or he would pity me, which is much, much worse. Now he knows. "Myste?" Angry that he found out and feeling betrayed that someone I trusted told him; I whip around to look at him.

     "Who told you?" I demand in fury. I've only told two people, and those two are my only friends. If they told Xaniir out of all people, that means they never really cared about me in the first place.

      Don't cry. It'll only make things worse. Xaniir tilts his head to the side with a puzzled expression on his face.

     "What? Who told me what?" He asks. I glare at him, waiting for a smug smirk to cross his features. Maybe he's waiting for me to say it myself, just so he can humiliate me even more. I won't give him that satisfaction. I won't.

     "Don't play dumb with me, Xaniir; who told you about my parents?!" I hear my voice crack and silently curse myself for allowing my upset feelings to take over. It's not fair. What did I do to deserve this?!

     "I don't know what you're talking about! Myste, I just don't want to leave s hool to come back at seven!" He exclaims. I scowl, feeling my face redden. The student onlookers are captivated by the scene, making me even more embarrassed. I just made a big deal out of nothing.

     Great, Myste. Just perfect. Now everyone who just heard that is going to be curious. If they find out, it's your own fault.

     "Too bad. You're not allowed to come to my house," I growl, hoping my tone is menacing enough for him to back off for now. "Besides, tutoring is a waste. What with how you act in class you'll never go on to tenth grade." Girls still in earshot gasp at my words, turning spiteful looks my way.

     "Hey, now that's a bit harsh," Jantt murmurs, suddenly appearing out of nowhere. I barely manage to keep from jumping in surprise. He just loves to scare me.

     "Stupid Special ability to teleport," I mutter under my breath. Jantt fixes me with an amused look. "Where'd you come from?" I ask gruffly, grouchy because I embarrassed myself and made about half of the ninth grade student body curious about my past. Jantt stays silent with that amused expression on his face for a moment before responding.

     "Top floor. I decided going down the long way took too much time." He says, still with that irritating look. I hate when he looks at me like that. I feel my face heat up under his gaze, and fight to cool myself down. Jantt doesn't ease up.

     I scowl before turning away and resuming my walk home. "Mm."

     "Wait, Myste-" Xaniir starts.

     "She's so mean. What a horrible person. Why does Xaniir even bother with her?" The whispers start. I was waiting for them, to be honest.

     "If you aren't here by seven tonight, I'll take that as your resignation," I call before I'm out of earshot.

     "I know, right? I bet she doesn't even tutor him right. She probably just sits and watches him while he does homework."


     "Xaniir is so cute. Look at that lost-puppy face. Too bad it's wasted on a heartless demon."

     "Seven o' clock sharp!"

     "Who's that other one? The one who was talking to Demon-face? He's adorable too."

     "What did you-"

     "Why are such cute guys bothering themselves with Demon-face? She's evil. And they both seem so nice!"

     "Don't push it, dude," Jantt warns. I smile secretly to myself. Jantt is the best friend I could ever have.

     "Aww, he's such a down to earth guy!"

     I scowl again.

     Stupid girls.

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