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Izuku Shigaraki, white hair, freckles, and grey eyes. The spitting imagine of his Father. His mother abadoned him at the age of 4 when he got his quirk and it was just like his fathers and a mix of his older brothers. Inko had left half way through her pregnancy not wanting her second son to be turned into a monster, as she calls them, like his father and older brother. Hisashi had been doing everything he could to do to find Inko and his second born son.

Tomura who was 4 at the time when Inko announced her pregnancy with another boy, Tomura was more happier than his parents. He's always wanted a little brother and he is finally getting it. Hisashi said that he hopes he is strong and powerful just like him and Tomura. Inko didn't take that lightly, after a couple weeks, she made her mind up. She was running away from her family to save her son from the evils of his father, leaving a heart broken Tomura and a devastated Father. She got away until July 15 the day of Izuku's 4th birthday. He was excited to go see what his quirk was, Inko gave him the Shigaraki name because he still is Hisashis son. Inko got up and made breakfast for them and off they went. When the doctor called Izuku and Inko back, they started the test about 25 minutes after the doctor came in with a worried face. "What is his quirk Doctor?" Inko asked sweetly "Um... well it seems he might have a few of them." The doctor said and Izuku perked up at that along with Inko but for a different reason she had a bad feeling on what the doctor was about to say. "So his quirk is different, there is none like it, similar but not like this. He is able to take, give, copy, create and control other quirks. He also has a decaying quirk, if he touches something with all 5 fingers it will turn to ash, but it also seems he has a fire quirk and Telekensis as well. We're not sure if these are apart of his first quirk or if they are all separate. It seems there is another one, that is powerful as well, but I can't figure it out. You're son is very powerful, I would watch his emotions though and make sure he wears gloves. His decay quirk seems that it will always be on when it comes in." The doctor said and Izuku was excited. Inko on the other hand, Inko was pissed, this must have been karmas way of showing her what she did when she took Izuku away from his father and older brother who wanted nothing more than to be there with Izuku. What she didn't know what how heartbroken both Tomura and Hisashi were when she left and never came back.

Inko thanked the doctor and grabbed Izuku a little harshly and dragged him out of the building. Inko was beyond pissed, she used a pay phone and called Hisashi "Hello?" Hisashi answered "You want this disgrace for a child come pick him up at XXXX. His information on his quirks will be with him. Don't bother finding me." Inko said furiously into the phone and hung up. Izuku looked at his mom with tears in his eyes. Inko turned towards Izuku with so much hate and disgust in her eyes and said "Your bastard father will come get you! Don't even think about follow me I want nothing to do with you!" She got in her car, left and never was seen again. Izuku held his green stuffed bunny in his hands as he cried. With the help of Kurogiri, Hisashi was able to have him warp him and Tomura to that location.

When Hisashi and Tomura arrived they seen a little boy with white hair just like Hisashi crying in the phone booth. Tomura was the first to run towards him. He opened the door and Izuku looked up at him "Hey there, I'm Tomura, you're big brother. What's your name?" He asked in a calm gentle voice "I-Izuku... and Big brother?" Izuku asked confused on the situation "Yes that's me, I've been looking everywhere for you!" Tomura said sadly but with happiness in his voice. Izuku was scared, sad and happy but when he should have been afraid of a stranger, he wasn't he felt almost protected by the person claiming to be his big brother and that feeling alone made him trust him. "C-can I hug y-you?" Izuku asked shyly Tomura was quick to pick him up and hug him. Izuku cried into his chest. "You want to go meet our dad?" Tomura asked and Izuku perked up "I have a daddy? Mommy said Daddy left and didn't want me, but when she left she called him a bad word and said he would come get me" Izuku said surprised in his one 4 year old words, he wasn't the only one. Tomura and Hisashi were stunned from what they just heard and their hearts broke at what the little boy just told them. "Son, that isn't true. I wasn't there for your birth, your mom left us when she was still pregnant with you." Hisashi said sadly. Izuku looked up to Tomura and he nodded "oh... I'm sorry. Mommy left me though. What did I do wrong? She got weally upset when the doctor told us my works" Izuku said innocently and Tomura and Hisashi almost died from the adorableness "You mean quirks?" Tomura asked Izuku nodded "Yeah my works" he said again and Tomura smiled and hugged his little brother "Well how about we go home, or well I guess we need to go shopping so you have toys, clothes, and everything else you need" Hisashi said and Izuku nodded "Otay daddy and big brother" Tomura and Hisashi both had the same idea in their mind "we must protect him".

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