you're Mine (1/5)

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The next morning you wake up next to him, The bed felt so soft.

You were laying on his chest, but you get up to go use the bathroom.

Your legs felt pain as you moved to step out of the bed, you put your feet out and tried to stand up.

But you started shaking, and almost fell.

"You can't walk, at least not after last night"Daisuke says with a giggle.

His morning voice sounded so hot, it was deep and sexy.

He reaches and grabs your arm, pulling you back down to the bed.

You can't really process anything to say, you couldn't even walk on your birthday!

"If you needed to walk you could've told me, It is my job to take care of what I messed up!" Daisuke says, while he scratches his head.

I want to go to the bathroom, and shower, and do everything I need to do. You say.

"Well, lets do it" He says, as he grabs you and slides you over to him.He picks you up off the bed, and walks to the bathroom.

He sits you on the counter, "Do I need to help you or can you undress yourself"He says with a slight laugh.

I can do it myself, you say. But you didn't take anything off. You felt shy, even though he'd explored you last night.

"Come on, don't be shy y/n, its not like I haven't seen it" He says with a laugh, You started slowly taking your shirt off, but then you realized you'd need help with your shorts.

Daisuke was to busy checking the shower temperature, and finding things for you to use.

When he finally got back, he handed you a tooth brush. He cut the sink on, and started brushing his teeth. You followed along with him.

You were still on the counter, waiting for him to notice you needed help. You were stubborn, so you weren't going to ask for help after you said no.

"You must need help, because you're just sitting there" He says while laughing.

He comes up to you, and gently pulls your shorts off.

"No panties, sheesh what a sight to see this early" He says in a praising tone.

He starts taking his clothes off, and then picks you up. He carries you to the shower, and sit you on the shower seat.

You felt so shy around him, it was weird because this was so new to you.

He started washing you, and making sure you got clean. Then cleaned himself, no ones ever put you first.

"Do you mind just sitting for a sec" he says as he steps out of the shower.

You hear the door close, you let out a moan of relief.

You were going crazy with thoughts, what was going on.

"Im back" Daisuke says as he grabs you from the seat, and wraps a towel around you.

He gives you a really pretty outfit to wear, it was a dress.

A really expensive one.

He got dressed nicely, as usual though.

"You ready to go?" He asked, you tried to stand up, and by your surprise you actually could.

Once you'd gotten to the garage, he asked you something "which car do you want to be in today?". You look around, it was like 4 cars, and you were supposed pick just one of them!

You picked the Ferrari, "Nice choice" he said with a smirk.

The car was so nice, and smelled like no one was ever in it before.

There was music playing in the car, while Diasuke drove.

Where are we going? you ask him, "somewhere special that's all you need to know" he answered.

You sat back and let out a sigh, throwing your head back on the seat. You felt Daisukes hand on your thigh, he rubbed back and forth. But just his touch made you want more, But you had to be calm.

You could already barely walk.

Once you finally arrived to the place, your eyes grew big.

It was just a restaurant yes, but it was an exclusive one. Only certain people in the entire world could afford dining there, and you were about to be one of them.

Daisuke steps out of the car and walks to your side, opening the door and reaching for your hand.

You step out of the car,and the outside workers started staring at you.

"Looks like everyone thinks you look good today" Daisuke says, in a annoyed tone.

You held his hand as you walked into your private dining room, the table had the finest wine and freshest food.

You take a sip of the wine, and sit back .

"Do you know why I decided to bring you here?" daisuke asks, with his hands under his face.

You shook your head, he puts on a smirk.

"You impressed me last night, so I figured I'd make you mine" He says, in a proud tone.

Make me yours, you say mocking him.

"I get what I want, I want you!" He says while he pushes his hair back.

You didn't know what to respond with, because honestly you wanted him too.

You stare at him, while he stares at you.

He stands up from his seat, and walks over to you. Grabbing you by your hand pulling you up.

You look at him, as he pulls you closer.

He starts kissing your neck, and then when he gets to your ear, he whispers.

"Im looking forward to giving you a workout tonight".

You felt a shiver run down your spine, and he continues kissing your neck.

He finally pulled away, and said "I'm gonna step out for a few".

While he walked away you just stood there in confusion, so much was going on.

You sat back down, and let your head fall back looking up at the glass ceiling.

make me his huh, we'll see about that.

To be continued...

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