Chapter #34 - Forkle

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Chapter #34 - Forkle

What Glimmer had told him kept spiraling through Mr. Forkle's head. She had seemed so sure of it— and so sure that no one could know yet.

Their world really was changing.

He internally counted to ten to calm his racing thoughts— a technique his brother had been fond of— and focused on Sophie's spyball. She had hailed Mr. Forkle first thing that morning, claiming she had an idea, and they'd agreed to meet in his Magnate Leto office. After that shaky discussion at Havenfield, the Council had decided Foxfire was better off back on hiatus. Which meant there would be no students disrupting them.

"Don't you see?! We can watch what's happening to Keefe through the spyball!!!" Sophie's eyes were red and puffy, like she'd been peering through it all night. "I'm SUCH an idiot for not thinking of it sooner!"

"I'm impressed you kids thought of this at all," he replied truthfully, "Certainly not idiotic."

She sighed frustratedly, kicking one of the mirrors on the wall leftover from Dame Alina's time as principal.

Adolescents could be so dramatic.

That said, Mr. Forkle also knew how hard it was for Sophie. It had always been his number one goal to lessen the weight she had to carry as the moonlark, but... sometimes, it was inevitable.

He counted to ten once again and examined the scene on the spyball screen. It appeared that Lady Gisela was taking Keefe to various human cities, making him numb everyone, and taking the ones with manifesting potential. He was shocked to find Amy in the mix, though Sophie clenched her jaw like she was trying to ignore that. Evidently, knowing her little sister was part of this scheme was too painful to bear.

The Sencens were somewhere he presumed to be Sydney, Australia. Keefe looked miserable.

A part of Forkle was curious about what the human media would say about the disappearing members of their species— humans always came up with the most fascinating yet absurd stories.

Sophie snapped him out of his musings by saying, "I know you're going to say we shouldn't just go and find them, but... there's gotta be something we can do now that we can watch him. Right?" She tugged out an eyelash, but then set her jaw in determination.

Even if it was through a spyball, Mr. Forkle could tell that something had changed in the way Sophie looked at Keefe. Though he had no intention in asking— not just because he preferred not to get involved with teenage drama, but because it brought back guilt.

He wished Sophie didn't have to be unmatchable. Unfortunately, it was one of the inevitable things.

"Actually," he said, knowing she wasn't going to expect this, "I think there is, Miss Foster."

She looked surprised, and looked up from the spyball for the briefest of moments. Then she went right back to staring at it, her unique eyes clouding with worry. "You do? What were you thinking?"

"Well, the other day I was looking at the map, trying to pinpoint where Lady Gisela might be trying to attack." He decided not to mention his discussion with Glimmer that had happened afterwards. "My best guess is that it'll have something to do with the goblins, considering they're the only intelligent species that haven't been significantly weakened. But now that we have an easy way of finding where they are, it's occurring to me that I was looking at it the wrong way. You kids definitely should've discussed it first, but what happened at the storehouse was onto something."

Tiergan may not have agreed, but Mr. Forkle had a suspicion that Granite was really just scared. He had seen so much loss, so his fear of starting a so-called action of war was understandable.

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