You're Spiderman? [MCU, Teen Wolf]

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The day Noah Stilinski was killed was one of town-wide sadness. He was murdered in the line of duty, protecting a family from a hunter. The McCall pack was distraught, Stiles hadn't left his bedroom in weeks, Scott had to come in at regular intervals and help the shaking boy to eat. He would let him just lay there with Scott cradling him, it was the least he could do for the boy that had been there for him no matter what happened to them. He was there for Scott when his Dad left, so Scott did the same. They were each others glue and they were proud to be one another's best friend. Derek had left a few weeks prior, telling the pack that he was off to find his sister again, who had taken off after the Jennifer Blake fiasco from the start of the year, which was understandable. Stiles just wished that the man hadn't left them, although the pair did little else but fight, it was comforting to know he was there. The fighting was meaningless and the pair had saved each others lives more than anyone else in the pack, that kind of thing creates a bond between people. Stiles, was still under 18 and had no legal guardian with them both being dead. He either had to stay with his Aunt May, who lived in Queens, which was far away from Beacon Hills, essentially having to leave his family even if they weren't related by blood. Or, he had to go into the foster care system for a year and then have nowhere to go as it was rare older children got fostered.

He decided on the former, he would be taken away from the pack either way, a least with Aunt May he would have some form of familiarity and the pack would have a point of reference to where he would be. Stiles packed his bags and collected himself, he thought today would be a good day to go as he wasn't cemented to his bed. The pain was still there but he was pushing through it better now. Scott was immensely proud of him, it was difficult for the both of them as Scott viewed Stiles as a brother and Noah as a father. Noah was there for him when his real Dad wasn't. It hurt him to smell all the pain that Stiles was going through, but he had to put on a brave face and deal with his own grief quietly; so that he could be there for Stiles. The two crashed into one another in a bone crushing embrace, tears running down Scott's face in a mangled mix of grief, pride and hope for the future. Lydia was next to hug the teenager, telling him that things would be alright and that they would all stay in contact. Malia never came over to hug her friend, still not cemented on the idea of physical contact, which Stiles understood. Instead she shot him a small, encouraging smile and nodded to him that he would be fine. Liam who looked up to Stiles was sad to see him go but knew it was what was best for him. He got up from where he was settled on Theo's chest and came over to hug him goodbye, Theo saluting him from the sofa.

Stiles settled in nicely to life in Queens, his Aunt was nothing but kind to him and they got on extremely well. He had made friends with a girl by the name of MJ and boy called Ned. The three were practically inseparable and many had speculated that Stiles and MJ had a romance blossoming. At that speculation the pair would just laugh, they were just friends and nothing would change that. Going to Midtown School of Science and Technology was beneficial to the teen, he learnt a lot and the school was better suited to his skill set. There was a kid that gave him shit for well, he didn't know actually. It never really bothered him, having grown up with Jackson, he knew that it must have come from a place of insecurity and was just sickeningly nice back to him. His friends hadn't yet come to visit him, but they were all seniors now, they had better things to do than check in on him. They had kept in contact, texting on the pack group chat (usually random pictures of Scott and Kira being adorable, Malia and her deer obsession and an occasional picture of Isaac in France). It was comforting knowing that things were going well in Beacon Hills without him, there were no Alpha packs or Dread Doctors. It was nice. He would be at this school for a while since it extended to a college, so he was glad they were safe.

Stiles was on his way home from school, his bag hooked loosely on one shoulder. Why would he wear it the way that it was designed when he looked so much cooler the way he did it? Yes, it did mean that he was probably going to walk with a hunk when he was 30 or develop scoliosis but who cares. Certainly not him. He was going along his usual route when he heard the distinct rustling of a bin bag in one of the random side alleys he so often overlooked on his commute. The noise was one he would usually overlook, but he was feeling curious. He pulled his bag, that was slipping further down his back, into a safer position for investigating. His brain was running wildly with all the possibilities. He knew of the supernatural, they surely couldn't just exist in the small town of Beacon Hills, and he knew of the Avengers, the super team which had single-handedly saved the planets throughout the years. But, weighing up the probability of the situation he was in, he settles with it being a rabid racoon or some other scavenger.

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