Chapter 2:

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**Y/n POV**

I walked into the small coffee shop down the street from my university. It was only 11am but I was already feeling worn out for the day.

7:30am class and I barely got out not even 15 minutes ago... Exhausting.

I smiled at the girl standing at the register, "I'll take an iced coffee."

I paid and pulled out my phone as I waited.

"Well look who it is," I turned to see a tall man walking towards me.

"Are you following me, Gojo?" I smirked at him.

"Me? Follow you? Never," he teased back.

I grabbed my drink as my order was called out and then walked over to him, "You ordering something?"

"Yea, want to wait?"

I checked the time on my phone, "Sure. Why not?"

We chatted for a bit as his drink was made and then walked out of the shop together.

"So, what're your plans today?" he asked.

I shrugged, "I work later, but otherwise nothing."

"The bookstore?"

"Mm. What are you up to today?"

"I'm actually working too," he flashed his smile at me.

"Really? Where do you work? You and Nanami came in on a random week day, so I figured you guys didn't work or something."

"Nope, we actually work together. We work for a school."

"A school!?" I looked wide eyed. "What school in their right mind would hire someone like you?!"

He laughed loudly at my joke, "You're a funny one, Y/n. Would you like to see?"

"See what?"

"Where we work."

"Oh, uh, sure. Wait! Why aren't you there right now!?"

He smirked, "Mm, it's different than most high schools. We do more experiential education. Very nontraditional."

I nodded at his words. They seemed super suspicious, but I just went along with it, "Sounds progressive."

"How exciting! You'll meet my students!"

"Is Nanami there too?" I asked, feeling a little excited at the possibility of seeing him again.

Gojo texted me to say he was coming this weekend, but I hadn't heard from Nanami yet. I was really hoping he would decide to come.

"Mm, interested in Nanami are you?"

I smirked, "Just being polite, Gojo. Why? Are you jealous?"

"I'm never jealous, Y/n," he said in a soft voice, and I just rolled my eyes. He was an interesting guy for sure and he seemed nice enough, but I really wasn't that attracted overall.

"Wow, this place is really nice," I smiled as we approached to the campus. "It looks like a temple."

"Ah yes, well, we are focused on the serene."

"Hmm," I laughed. "Sounds like I should be going here too. I could definitely use it."

"My dear Y/n, are you stressed about something?" he asked in a flirty voice.

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