Part 7-Party Time

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After dinner I started getting ready for the party. I had a shower and dried and slightly curled my hair to make it look more volumous. I added a little more makeup than usual before slipping on a rose gold sequin dress with rose gold heels. I felt beautiful in my outfit so I decided to take a picture and post it on Instagram.

 I felt beautiful in my outfit so I decided to take a picture and post it on Instagram

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@wroetoshaw , @jademae and 512,836 other liked your post
@MilaMinter Party Time 🥳

@miniminter Looking as ugly as always
      -@MilaMinter Must follow you then bro 😎
@JadeMae Looking sexy b 😘
      -@MilaMinter Seen you hun ❤️
@callux Not bad Miss Minter 💙
      -@MilaMinter Thankyou Sir Lux 💙
3,472 other comments

"Mila! Are you ready? Your taking ages and the uber is gonna be here soon!" Simon shouted.

"Yeah I'm just grabbing my bag."

I grabbed my phone, chewing gum, airpods and purse into a small clutch bag and went downstairs to meet the boys. Me, Vikk, Simon and JJ were getting an uber to the other boys apartment. Josh went to his girlfriends this morning so he said he'd get an uber with her and Simon's girlfriend Talia. I haven't met Talia yet but we've messaged each other a few times. She's so gorgeous and seems like such a sweet girl and she makes my brother happy. I can't wait to meet all the girls.

Once I got to the bottom of the stairs I was met with 2 gawping boys and an annoyed Simon.

"Rahhh! You look peng Mila!" JJ exclaimed which got a glare from Simon but you could tell he was joking.

"You look really pretty" Vikk stuttered.

"You boys look decent too, now come on we've got a party to go to." I squealed excitedly.

When we arrived to the apartment, we were met by a slightly tipsy Callux. 

"Mila, you go girl" Callux exclaimed.

I jokily winked at him and entered the apartment. I went and joined Freezy and Harry on the sofa. I looked at Harry to see he was staring at me with his mouth slightly open.

"Take a picture Haz, it lasts longer." I joked. The boys started laughing as Harry snapped his mouth shut and blushed. 

"Umm sorry, you look gorgeous tonight Mila." Harry said as he nervously scratched his chest.

"Thankyou Harold. You look great."

Every time I was around this boy, I got butterflies. 

We started off with a few shots of sambuca then I kept to apple juice as  I wasn't much of a drinker. It's not that I didn't like alcohol, I just didn't like the lack of control I had while drunk and it also makes my anxiety worse.

 I've had anxiety since I was 12. My panic attacks used to be really bad but overtime I have found ways to make them less frequent. It's been a hard couple of years but luckily I've had Simon. He's been there at my worst. It's probably why he's so protective over me.

It was 9:23pm. Everyone who was invited were here and everyone was having a great time drinking and dancing to the music. I had already met the girls. Freya (Josh's girlfriend) was a nice and sweet girl who had definitely taken the mother role. The second she saw me she gave me the biggest hug and introduced me to the other girls. Gee (Chips girlfriend) was a bright bubbly girl with bright blue hair. We definitely hit it off straight away, telling each other jokes and making each other laugh. And lastly but not least I met my brothers girlfriend Talia. She was so much prettier and funnier in person. She is seriously talented at singing. She is perfect for my brother. I spent awhile dancing with the girls before a slower song came on. The girls went off to find the boys and I went to go and sit on the sofa. 

Just before I could sit down a hand lightly grabbed my wrist. I looked up to see Tobi looking down at me.

"Please could you join me for this dance Little Miss Mila Minter."

"Of course Mr. Tobi Brown." I giggled.

Tobi led me to the middle of where everyone was dancing. He held one of my hands and placed the other on my waist. As he did so, I placed my other hand on his shoulder. We slowly rocked back and forth, swaying to the music. He spun me round slowly before the music ended. I hugged him and whispered in his ear.

"Thankyou Tobi."

"I couldn't let you sit by yourself. Harry wanted to ask you but he got to nervous and bottled it."

"Why would Harry want to dance with me?" I questioned.

Once the song had finished, Tobi winked at me and walked away. I wonder why Harry wanted to dance with me. There were other girls here. Why didn't he want to ask one of them? 

An hour passed and a lot of people had left. The only ones here are the sidemen, both Cals, Talia, Freya ,ChrisMD, Gee, Chip, and Stephen. JJ said we should play Truth or dare and everyone reluctantly agreed. I sat down on the sofa next to Harry and Ethan. JJ started and asked Simon truth or dare and then the game begun. Everyone had been asked truth or dare except me, Ethan and Harry. 

"Harry. Truth or dare?" Callux asked.

"... dare." Harry said cautiously.

"I dare you to kiss the most attractive person in this room." Callux grinned.

As I looked around, I could see everyone's eyes on me as Harry turned around, cupped my face and started kissing me. At first I was very shocked and tense but then I started to relax and kissed back. The kiss deepened as I tugged his hair slightly. Both of us not wanting to stop until voices snapped us out of the moment. We both quickly pulled away and blushed looking down at our laps. Harry kissed me! I zoned out until my name was called.

"Mila! Truth or dare?" asked Ethan.

"Umm. Truth?"

"How many people have you done it with?" JJ asked.

"Of course JJ would ask that" Stephen laughed.

My mind started racing and my heart felt like it was going to beat out my chest. The room around me was blurred. I needed air. Or a toilet.

I got up and ran out the room and out the front door...

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