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(First batch of questions)

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(First batch of questions)

-Star'Scream, is there someone you miss? Someone you met a long time ago and you had to apart from?-

Star'Scream; I do miss my father. . .even though Black'Stride was a deception, he chose to stay at Cybertron and I had no choice to leave the plane to join Lord Megatron in his revengeful plans. My father was a great flier, I do indeed miss him.

-Do you think you have failed someone?-

Star'Scream; Yes. I always think I fail Lord Megatron. Even if I did terminate two autobots such as Cliff'Jumper and Silver'Stream, my mother.

-How did you come to fall in love with such creature as Megatron?-

Star'Scream; That's. . .That's actually a good question, but all I can say is that; Love is fucking confusing.

-Have you fallen in love before?-

Star'Scream; Well Uh, let's see. . . Not that I know of. Lord Megatron is my first.

(All by SSE_DD)

(Second batch of questions)

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(Second batch of questions)

-Things were better back there or now?-

Star'Scream; Well, I guess things are somewhat better right now if you don't include the constant ordering from Megatron and such. -Shrugs-

-What made you get under Megatron's service?-

Star'Scream; Well, I guess when I was a air commander. I didn't have the quite reputation that I have now, back then I was quite a cocky seeker. And I was. . . Desperate for shit. I somehow managed to continue my "job" without giving up, then Megatron was there. When I saw him, I felt as if I worked with him, my reputation might grow and stuff. And well, here we are now. I'm definitely well known, and definitely overwhelmed as a second in commander. All of the drama in the nemesis is overwhelming as well, but you'll get used to it.

Me; N - Not What She meant. . .-Concerned Slider seeker Noises-

Star'Scream; Hey, she's the one who asked.

-When did you found out your feelings for him?-

Star'Scream; Oh, um, my feelings for Megatron? Well erm. .I guess I found out when Knockout was teasing me for having crush, of course, he doesn't know. But he said some explanations about love here and there, and my mind went to Megatron as he told me. And guess what? I was like; "Oh Shit-". Not a very pleasant thing, don't you think?

-How did You react?-

Star'Scream; I was confused but when I knew who it was, I was clearly shocked, embarrassed as hell and maybe a bit scared. I mean, It's not everyday that I'm suddenly "soft and lovey dovey".

-Did your friends support and help you to conquer him?-

Star'Scream; Knockout supported me through and through, despite after the accident with Breakdown. Knockout is more protective of me whenever I'm around Lord Megatron, he certainly is helping me with my feelings for Lord Megatron.

-Are you proud of your past actions to become who you are today?-

Star'Scream; Ha! Yes Indeed I am! I mean, if I never made it into the air elite team by sabotaging the results then I wouldn't have been here, right in the nemesis, being the second commander, right by Lord Megatron's side.

-Do you think you disappointed someone you met before joining Megatron?-

Star'Scream; Yes. I have, and it was Thunder'Cracker.

(More by SSE_DD)

(Third Batch Of questions)

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(Third Batch Of questions)

-Do you desire to have a future with Megatron?-

Star'Scream; W - Wha?! Well, um, erm. .I - I guess I do?

-Have you done something you regret?-

Star'Scream; Back then, I regretted killing my mother. I remember her being a autobot and I had to do what I had to do. But that was eons ago, but what do I regret now? Well, it's failing Megatron.

-If you had the opportunity, Will you change something of your past?-

Star'Scream; If I had the opportunity, I would change all of my failures. If I had the opportunity though. . .

-Has Megatron taken you on a date yet?-

Star'Scream; E - Erm! N - No. W - We've been busy. . .cause of the autobots and things like that. -Embarrassed
/Sad Seeker Noises-

-What do your friends think or your relationship?-

Star'Scream; Knockout is skeptical but he supports it, and if Breakdown was alive, he would definitely support. He'd probably stop talking about it if you let him.

Star'Scream; . . .

Star'Scream; . . .I just hope Knockout will be okay.

-Do your friends know everything about your past, or at leas the things you consider personal?-

Star'Scream; Thunder'Cracker And Sky'Warp knew about the personal, I think Knockout knew some. But who knows what that medic hides, he's very secretive about stuff.

(All by SSE_DD)

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