First Impressions

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Marinette was careful. She was known to be clumsy and forgetful and some other unflattering adjectives that she doesn't bother to remember because there was no reason to. She was good at pretending. She was good at acting like everything was okay, like she didn't have as many secrets as she did, like she didn't hide most of her life from everyone in her life. She was good at pretending to be clumsy and forgetful, good at pretending like she was ordinary, good at pretending like she was nothing more than a College student. She was good at pretending not to be a superheroine, good at pretending that Uncle Tones and Uncle Bruxe were just distant relatives in the states, good at pretending like nothing important happened to and around her, good at pretending she didn't know someone's whole life story at a single glance. Of course, that, unfortunately, didn't mean the rest of the world was good at pretending those things alongside her.

She hadn't lied about her uncles, not to her classmates and not to both of them explicitly. She just hadn't bothered to mention much about either of them. And that meant karma came to bite her in the butt. For a Ladybug, she didn't feel particularly lucky at the moment.

"Wayne." Uncle Tony's disdainful and condescending voice could be heard through the damn door.

"Stark." Uncle Bruce's voice wasn't much better but he was better at pretending to be polite, even if it was in a passive aggressive way.

Two words and Marinette's shoulders were tense and her mind was both in overdrive and shut down at the same time. ABORT ABORT ABORT!

Further adding to her growing panic and misery, her classmates and Mlle Bustier heard the voices too. And they all froze for a moment, processing the words and voices outside their classroom door. Marinette wanted nothing more than to be swallowed up by the Earth at that point. This was not going to go well and Marinette could already tell that she did not have the patience to deal with two prissy billionares.

The only good thing about having two American uncles who came to visit her in France is that a very small percent of the population could understand the rapidfire English that left their mouths as they tried to one up each other. This was her only saving grace however but the fact that names were the same no matter the language they were said in, with only the slight accent-related pronunciation error, was not a good thing. Because the two childish billionaires burst through the door with disdain clear on their faces and a group very confused teens trailing behind them. Great. This could not get any worse.

Peter waved shyly at her and Marinette offered him a weak but present smile while Dick waved more enthusiastically. Jason looked confused but extremely amused as his eyes skipped between Tony Stark and Bruce Wayne who were currently engaged in a very intense looking stare off that Marinette would hate to get in the middle of. Tim was clutching a large coffee mug from her parents' bakery like it was lifeline, looking dead to the world but with his phone raised to record his father and Tony Stark silently trying to stare each other into submission. Damian was looking on with similar confusion and disdain, though most likely for the fact that the Waynes were embarrassing themselves like this. Harley was silently snickering next to Peter, his own phone raised as he watched with Morgan settled half in the crook of his arm and half on his hip, looking eager to leap from his hold and run up to Marinette herself and babble her ears off about her latest invention.

Marinette let out a long suffering sigh as she got up from her seat and marched down the steps to look her uncles in the eye -sort of, they were both taller than her. Her hands were on her hips and a single eyebrow was quirked in a way that she learned from Auntie Pepper and Grandpa Alfred and knew would make the two childish adults pay attention to her.

"Uncle Tony, Uncle Bruce, what's going on?" She asked as calmly as she could and took a more pleasure in sight of the indignant sputtering on both billionaires than she probably should have but it didn't matter because dammit she was tired.

"He's your Uncle Tony/Bruce!" they exclaimed at the same time as Jason and Harley burst out laughing behind them. Dick snickered while Tim smirked and Peter looked a little confused but amused. Morgan and Damian were very confused but it didn't matter because their reactions were so worth it.

Her phone began to play soft violin music and Marinette's shoulder slowly untensed at the melody that she grew up with. Just like Uncle Sherlock to call right on time. She finished her phone out of her pocket and pressed the answer button before lifting it to her ear, not bothering to check the caller ID.

"Hello Uncle Sherlock! Haven't heard from you in a while. Is there something I can help you with?"


This is not My Story.

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