Chapter 7 - Punching Concrete

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The rest of the week went by quickly. Ted and Julie wouldn't let me go to soccer until my headaches stopped. Rylie was sad about that and so was I. After school, I rode home with Cole and Henry. I learned that River played football. Jacklin was suspended for 2 days.

The weekend came and Stacy came early on Saturday. She couldn't stay long. She checked up on me and left. This is where it all changes.

The next week went by and nothing changed. I went to soccer and got closer to my friends and the boys. Jacklin ignored me and only gave me glares.

It was the weekend again. October was cold but that day it was warm. In the 70s.

I was sitting in my room attempting to take a nap which wasn't working. I had had another bad dream last night. They seemed to happen at least every other night now. I've managed to not scream. I used to have bad dreams when I was little but I had gotten over them or so I thought. Now they were back and didn't understand why.

Henry came in interrupting my thoughts.

"Hey, we are going to go hang out on the boat, want to come?"

"You have a boat?"

"Yep, come on it'll be fun. You can invite your friends."

"You can invite my friends."

"Yes, yes I can," he smiled, pulling out his phone. I didn't have a phone, so Rylie and Emma had given Henry their numbers.

I didn't want to go on the boat, but if Rylie and Emma are there with me, I think it would be fun.

Cole had to finish his homework real quick, so the rest of us rode our bikes up and down the road. We had been riding most days after school. I was a pro now. Not really, but I could ride down the big hill without falling.

"All right, ready to go?" Cole yelled at us from the top of the driveway.

We put the bikes back and got in the truck.

"Be safe boys... and girl," Ted said from the front door.

We got to the lake. Rylie and Emma were already there. River invited Deshaun and Hope. And Cole invited Natalie. There were ten of us in all.
Cole and Adam led us to the boat which looked more like a yacht. How much money do these people have?

"Hey, you look familiar," Deshaun said to me.

I rolled my eyes, "Haha"

"Oh my gosh, this is so big. I thought we were going on some pontoon boat." Emma exclaimed.

"A pontoon boat? Really?" Adam said.
"Isn't that what I said?" She snapped back.

We all got on the boat and Adam started it up and rode out of the port.

We all sat down and talked and played games on the back deck. It was really fun. I hadn't had this much fun since forever. It was windy and looked like it was about to rain, and the lake had a few big waves. But it was nice. Nice for October.

Emma and I were talking when all of the sudden strong arms graded me and I was flung over someone's shoulder.

"Hey!" I heard Emma shout, "Don't you know anything about personal space!"

I froze. I didn't know what to do. I was scared shitless. I had flashbacks to all the other times I had been picked up over the shoulder and they would force themselves onto me.

"Deshaun, drop her now," Cole said so firmly he sounded angry. I felt like I needed to drop something.

"Damn, you already got these boys protecting you." He said, "Okay, okay I'll drop her."

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