The Conspiracy

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A figure in a black cloak with a hood thrown over her head walked along the dark corridors. She moved confidently, not afraid of being discovered. If she wants to be seen, people will see her, if she doesn't want to be seen, they won't see her. In any case, she didn't really care. She turned the corner and went down the stairs, where several people were waiting for her in a huge circular room. The figure threw back her hood, and in front of everyone stood a woman with deep auburn hair falling over her shoulders, her eyes were cold, she seemed to be looking directly into the soul of every person in the room. Despite the fact that everyone was unhappy with her tardiness, no one dared to say anything to her. They were so afraid of her. Everyone knew better than to quarrel with her.
The woman gave them all a sharp look and went straight to the point, wasting no time on formalities:

"How's the case going? Is a boy ready yet?»

No one dared to answer her, so Miss Argent came forward, trying to keep her composure, and said calmly:

"I'm not sure he can help you yet, Miss Goldberry. To carry out our plan, I wanted to say" - the elder corrected herself as she saw the Wundersmith's stern gaze - "According to the teachers, he is making great progress and will be one of the most talented and powerful Wundersmiths in history, but I still think it's not worth rushing into it. He is still too young, he is only 17 years old. In addition, he is unlikely to speak out against other Wundersmiths, his friends. He values them too much".

"You have a point, Miss Argent. But if we want to succeed, we need him to trust us completely and believe that everything we do is for the good of Nevermoor. And I believe that this should be done now, while he is still young and naive and has no idea how cruel people can be" - said Gracious Goldberry, and continued, grinning - "It is very easy to turn people against each other. And Wundersmiths are no exception. I should know. It is enough to pull the thread, and - voila! - everything is ready".

"Are you suggesting that we turn them against each other?»

"Exactly. I would even say, to turn everyone against the boy. Of course, it will take some time, but we have waited long enough, and we can wait some more. I'll take care of it myself". A cruel smile appeared on the Wundersmith's lips.

"What should we do?»

"Keep doing your job. No one can guess anything. And you, Miss Argent, are the best at covering up evidence along with your assistants from the Wundrous Society. I have no reason to be dissatisfied with your work yet" - Gracious Goldberry paused, and a second later she was right in front of Miss Argent, pinning her against the wall - "But if you make a mistake or decide to back down, you will very much regret it. All of you" - the Wundersmith hissed, giving them all an icy look. A moment later she was gone, leaving the room completely silent.

Goldberry stood in the shadow of the building where the Snow Ball was held. She was not so much interested in the event as in the couple standing on the street near the entrance. She knew perfectly well who these guys were: Ezra Squall and his friend Elodie Bauer. Wundersmith had guessed that he has feelings for this girl, and now her suspicions are confirmed. "Well, I think I know who to save for last" - Goldberry thought, grinning to herself.

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