Riser and training for the Rating Game.

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Ivan walks to the school again many ladies are liking him lustfully. He's in Issei's class. So he would kill him with the Mana Burst. With such effort and Runes. Luckily he use flower as a disguise its look like shadow clone and it will never dissapear. Ivan goes through ORC. Staying there patting Koneko's head. And giving her some chocolate. He's no womanizer like his mentor Merlin. Skadi and Cu Chulainn would train him for using his staff as a spear. So he trained using runes. Elemental Runes such as Fire , Water , Wind and Lighting. But in Earth runes. He was given by Merlin to install a Gilgamesh Caster Card and Archer Card due to his Impressive accuracy. And agrees. All he has to say 'install'. And Axe and also the Treasury as well. So when everyone was there. There was a magic circle revealing a man. Ivan felt from his clairvoyance this guy is clearly a pervert and arrogant. So he stay silent. And make sure never make a scene. For now.

??? : Its been awhile from human world.

Ivan : 'This is one is a dunce prick and doucebag.'....

He didn't stare at him he just playing with illusions with flowers. But he listened carefully. And listened until then he looked at him

??? : Who are you?

Ivan : Oh sorry. I'm a wizard or mage just being unofficial and contracted to Gremory Household so don't mind me.

??? : Oh...

Ivan : Well then I should dissapear for awhile.

Ivan dissapear with flowers. And everyone was shocked. A mage uses flowers?

???2 : Brother I also have a request. I want that mage to be under my peerage.

??? : Are you sure about this Ravel? I think he's useless in the battle.

Ravel : He seems to be attractive. Brother Riser

Riser : How about this. A game, a rating game. If I win my sister gets that mage and I get you Rias. He will be joining you.

Rias : No. I will not let him join you. His a magus. He doesnt like conflicted
things. He would rather live his life as a magus.

Riser : How so. A human life or span is short if he's under devil then he can live to fullest.

Rias : Fine. I will challenge you this Rating Game Ivan will join us. He will beat both of you then.

But Ivan heard this from his clairvoyance in the classroom. A girl wanting me to be her peerage how low.

Ivan : ' Merlin and Skadi taught me about this Rating game. How unfortunate. Fine I will help them its like I have no time to be free. '

And so Ivan was called and Rias and her peerage asked for him to train them. Day One until to ten he was able to maximize the lack of peerage has. And but then they lost. And Ivan has to come there to stop it due to him not arriving

When he knocks at the door he was in the some sort of Uruk way of dressing .

When he knocks at the door he was in the some sort of Uruk way of dressing

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