Chapter 1

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Lisa was never a fan of Mondays. If only she wasn't friends with this special person, she wouldn't even get out of her bed and just skip her class instead. And if she did, she would have received a ton of messages from her about her absence.

She blankly stared in the mirror at her bathroom, still grasping the idea that it was Monday; the beginning of the week, the beginning of tolerating how everything sucks every Monday. Lisa heard her phone buzz beside the sink.

A text from Jennie saying she was out front of her house.


Aside from breaks between classes and friends, Jennie made Lisa's Mondays a bit tolerable. They had known each other for ages and it would be an understatement that they don't know each other well, they could almost read each other's minds. They're best friends after all so it was not shocking to know.

Lisa sighed and took her bag from her bed and went out of her house. She was met by a smiling Jennie and somehow, Lisa found herself smiling as well. They always go to the university together in Jennie's car.

As the two hopped in the car, Jennie broke the ice.

"How is my best friend's morning?" Jennie giggly asked.

"Oh don't even start." Lisa deadpanned and Jennie laughed as she started to drive.

"Damn, why do you have to be sarcastic? Would you even miss when we graduate? It's our last year in college anyway." Jennie joked.

"Miss you? Why would I miss you?" Lisa scoffed, avoiding Jennie's gaze.

"Because for sure, right after college we would be apart from each other, having different lives. You might also forget about me." Jennie said and Lisa noticed how the latter's voice hinted a sad tone.

"I won't forget you." Lisa mumbled, her eyes outside the window. Jennie did somehow catch what Lisa had said.

"I wonder how this year would turn out, though." Jennie changed the topic.

"Another year of tolerating bullshits of course." Lisa said.

"You are such a mood killer, you know that?" Jennie chuckled.

"You know how I hate Mondays, weekends are too short that I never get to enjoy anything for a while." Lisa groaned.

"Alright, I get you." Jennie smiled. "You know what, why don't you stay with us? I mean, you probably feel lonely living alone in your house."

"Just because I live alone doesn't mean I feel lonely, okay." Lisa said. "Besides, I've been alone ever since, you know, my parents abandoned me but at least they still have the heart to give me anything I need to live so I'm fine with it."

"What if I stay with you there?" Jennie blurted, making Lisa look at her with a surprised look.

"What do you even mean by that?"

"Or maybe we should tell Jisoo and Chaeyoung to have a sleepover every weekend so you wouldn't be alone anymore."

Lisa secretly smiled. She knew Jennie was always the kind one among them but what the latter said actually caught her off guard. Lisa always knew Jennie as the one who wouldn't give up what she had for something that wouldn't benefit her. Unless Jennie would benefit something from staying with Lisa at her house. Who knows?

"I'm okay by myself. And remember the last time we did that at my house? It was a mess. I hate cleaning up so I should pass." Lisa said, making Jennie laugh at the memory.

"Well, I've never seen you so happy like that. When we're in school, you're like a different person." Jennie commented.

"We all are different when we're in different places."

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