Reliving the past

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Present day

Your pov:

Five grabs my hand and we get back in the car, this time with me driving because I know were Vanya lives.

We arive at the apartments and Five spacial jumps us into what I hope is Vanya's room because if it isn't it would be very awkward for whomever ever does live here.

I was gonna turn on the lights but Five insisted we keep them off for whatever creepy reason.

I hadn't really talked to Vanya since I got back because she was already gone when I woke up from my nap earlier.

Her, Five and Klaus were my best friends growing up and since I was and still am in love with Five it made Klaus and Vanya my number 1 besties,
though to me Klaus was just Klaus, I always called Vanya by my nickname for her, 'V'.

The door opened and I saw the silhouette of a girl enter the room, but before she could turn on the lights Five flips on the table lamp siting to his right.

She shrieks jumping back slightly, seeing her set down a black leather case made me smile.
'She still plays the violin'
I think to myself smiling even more.

"You should have locks on your windows"
Five states looking at her.
"But I live on the second floor"
She replies slightly weirded out.
"Rapist can climb"
Five states blankly, making me snort with laughter.

He shoots me a small glare before looking back at Vanya who's awkwardness was replaced immediately with a smile after seeing me laugh.

"Hey V"
I smile at her
"Hey (Y/n/n)"
(Your nickname)
She smiles back at me.

"So what are you guys doing here?"
"We need to tell you something important"
Five tells her.
"Your the only one we can trust"
I follow up.

"Why me?"
She asked confused
"Because your ordinary"
Five states, and I elbow him in the side.
"Because you'll listen"
He corrects himself, and I smile at him.

She nods before noticing the blood on fives collar and arm.
"Hey is that blood?"
She asks concerned.
"Its nothing"
He replies.

"Its not nothing"
I glare at him.
"Hey V do you have a first aid kit?"
I look back at her and she nods before grabbing the kit and siting next to Five.

"When we jumped forward and got stuck in the future, do you know what we found?"
Five asks Vanya as she cleans his cut.
She shakes her head in response.

"Nothing, absolutely nothing"
He sighs,
"As far as I could tell, we were the last people alive"
Vanya looks at him in shock before bandaging up his cut.

"We never did quite find out what ended the human race but we did find out one thing, the date it happens"
He glances at me before continuing,
"The world ends in 8 days and we have no idea how to stop it".

"I'll put on a pot of coffee"
Vanya leaves and returns with two mugs,
I thank her and before she notices my arm.
"Y/n are you hurt to?"
She asks worried for her best friend,
I shake my head lightly.
"It's not that bad"

"Not that bad my ass, let her help"
Five responds immediately.
I sigh and roll up my sleeve for V to clean my cut.

She gets out the supplies again and Five starts talking.
"We survived on scraps, cockroaches, can foods, anything we could find"
"I cant imagine"
"Yeah it really sucked"
I replied, wincing slightly when Vanya dabbed the rag on my arm.

She mumbles a sorry before listening to Five again, I wanted Five to do the talking because over all it was a very traumatic experience and even though I wouldn't admit it, I suffered really bad PTSD because of it.

Before I knew it I was zoning out again and reliving a memory.



1 month after getting stuck in the apocalypse

Your Pov:

Life has been hard, I cried myself to sleep most nights due to the fact that there was not other human being on earth besides Five.

Five was walking a bit ahead of me, pulling the wagon with all our things in it when he suddenly stopped dead in his tracks.

I followed his gaze to see what he was looking at and that's when I saw it.
It looked like a glove sticking up from the rubble.

We both ran over to it and discovered that the hand glove belonged to a person, a very large person.
In their hand was a bloody prosthetic eye, Five took the eye from the hand and wiped it off before puting it in his pocket.

I observed the face of the body and he looked all to familiar.
I whisper praying its not him when I spot more bodies ahead.

Me and Five both run to the other body's, Five looks at two of the bodies while I spot one that shatters my heart into a million pieces.
He had short curly brown hair and light facial hair, I didn't want to believe that it was who I thought it was, I refused to believe that it was who I thought it was.
But than I saw the tattoo on his wrist of a black umbrella.

I fall to my knees and tears fall down my face,
"Klaus, please no..."
I cry while holding my best friends lifeless body.
Vanya and Klaus were my best friends while I was in love with Five, I recognized the other two bodies immediately as Alison and Diego, but despite seeing them I didn't leave my best friends side.
My favorite brother was dead.

I didn't see Vanya anywhere wich had me worried for my other best friend but I hoped that her not being here was a good thing and that it happened for a good reason.

It hurt seeing everyone dead but my legs wouldn't allow themselves to move, so I just stay on the floor holding onto Klaus tightly and crying my eyes out.

I felt a hand on my shoulder and I look up to see Five standing over me, he had a few tears on his face and a hurt expression flushed over him.

I finally bring myself to let go of Klaus, and I put out my arms, wanting to comfort Five.

He kneels on the floor and hugs me tightly, hearing his muffled sobs broke my heart more, if that was even possible.

Five normally didn't show strong emotions, he always just kept to himself but after all that happened he couldn't help but let out all his emotions out.

"It's ok"
I whisper to him, trying not to cry again,
"We'll be alright, we'll get through this"

Five had always been stronger out of the two of us but right now I tried my best to stay strong for Five.
He nods slightly into my shoulder and we both hug each other tighter.

I hear a muffled voice say in the distance,
"Y/n are you ok?"
I still don't respond.
I feel someone shake me and I snap back into reality.
Five and Vanya are standing over me with worried expressions on their faces.

I respond looking at them,
"Love, are you alright?"
Five asks me, his voice laced with concern as he cups my cheek.
"Yeah im fine, so uh what are you to talking about?"

Five and Vanya share a glance before Vanya speaks up,
"Uh I was just saying you guys should stay here to night"
"Oh ok"
I smile at her.

"Hope you guys don't mind sharing, because I only have one couch"
Vanya says awkwardly.
"Not at all"
Five responds, his eyes not leaving me for a second, I head to couch and lay down as Vanya starts to walk to her room, but Five puts up a finger telling her to wait.

Five goes over to Vanya and he motions for her to come outside with him, but I ignore them and drift of into a deep sleep.


Longest chapter yet!
Someone plz comment on my story, I love reading peoples comments.

Y/n is clearly having some problems and is zoning out allot wich is really concerning Five and Vanya.

Im going to try and update at least once a day, thanks for reading my story have a good day!

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