Chapter 38

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Van's stomach was still sorting itself out as he swept into the conference room for the team's morning brief. After last night, Zoey hadn't been hungry for breakfast, and frankly neither had he. The thought of Zoey using wolfsbane—no matter how small the dose—ate at him like a bad nightmare you just couldn't shake. Long-term use could seriously injure or even kill one's wolf. Thankfully Zoey's wolf seemed fine.

Stitch was the only team member who'd already arrived, so Van took the opportunity to update his team medic on Zoey's condition.

"I'm still baffled that she was in heat," Stitch admitted. "Of all the ways her ex could have hurt her, that had never crossed my mind."

"Being with her would have solidified their bond," Van reminded him. "He didn't want to be shackled to a mate, so he would have kept himself away from her."

"...and satisfied himself with other girls," Stitch finished.

Van swallowed the lump of bile that surged up from his stomach. Even though he didn't have a mate, he fully understood how sacred that bond was. You kept it or broke it; you didn't play around with it.

"How's Zoey doing this morning? She sleep any better once you grabbed her?"

Van sat back in his chair and nodded. "She was fine. No further signs of pain or discomfort."

...which could have been impacted by us or the wolfsbane,, his wolf supplied.

"I'll ask to check on her later," Stitch continued. "I want to make sure there's no backlash from last night."

"About that..." Van sucked in a deep breath to bolster himself for what he need to say next. "I found out that she did take something last night to fight the pain. That injection site you found on her arm? It was only a couple hours old."

Stitch closed his eyes and let his head hang forward. "I was afraid of that. What did she take?"

It would be better just to get it out.

"Silver nitrate."

Stitch's eyes popped wide open. "Silver nitrate? Wolfsbane? Van, that's dangerous stuff!"

"I know, Stitch... and so does Zoey. She said it was secretly prescribed to her by the female pack doctor at Midnight. She was taught exactly how much to take, and the doctor kept meticulous notes as to how fast Zoey went through a bottle."

"How did she get it this time?" Stitch ran his fingers through his hair. "No one here would have given it to her."

"She brought it with her," Van clarified. "And I've confiscated it from her, so she can't take any more without me knowing about it."

Stitch rose from his chair and paced the length of the room several times. "How was she this morning? Any side effects? Did she mention any numbness or nausea?"

"No, she seemed fine. She wasn't quite up for breakfast, considering the ordeal she went through last night."

"Of course."

Van watched his friend continue to pace. He knew Stitch well enough to know that he was considering the long-term effects of the wolfsbane on Zoey's body. Certain questions would be asked, and Van already knew some of the answers.

"She takes one milligram at a shot... when the pain is the worst," he supplied.

"...when she goes into heat," Stitch clarified, "which is once a month. How long has she been taking it?"

This was an answer that Stitch definitely wouldn't like. Even Van worried about the long-term effects of Zoey's wolfsbane use, and Stitch would know immediately how bad it was.

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