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They sat there just talking for a couple minutes.

"HEY, NEWT? ELIZABETH?" They could hear Gally yelling.

Elizabeth grabbed her journal and helped Newt up, They stood up and found Gally.

"Whats up?" Elizabeth said.

"Alby has an announcement, come on." He urged them.

They followed him to the picnic tables and they sat down.

"Alright, Everyone here?" He asked.

Everyone looked around then nodded.

"I know the past few days haven't been, i guess less than good."

"So, Tonight. We are going to play games, party." He smiled as they cheered.

"Alright, split into 2 groups. I'll explain the game as you do."

Everyone stood up and began getting into groups.

"So this is capture the flag, this group will be blue." He pointed to the group on the left.

"This group is red." He pointed to the group on the right.

Isaac, Elizabeth, Thomas, And Minho are in red group.

"So the glade will be cut in half, one half will be red and other will be blue. You have to capture the other teams flag and bring it to your side. No burying the flag or placing it anywhere on you, or in any buildings."

They all nodded and went off to their sides.

"Okay were are we hiding our flag?" Minho said.

"Maybe in the very back?"

"No predictable."

They continued with banter.

"I have the perfect spot!" Elizabeth yelled out causing them to go silent,

"At the very top of that tree." She pointed to the top of the glade.

"Can you climb that?" Isaac asked.

"Of course." She smiled.

"Alright, then lets go." Minho began running towards the tree.

"Go run over there to act like we are hiding the flag over there." Isaac said.

The rest of the group ran in the opposite direction.

"Are you sure you can do this?" Newt said.

"Yup!" She grabbed the flag out of Isaacs hand.

"Need a boost?" Minho grinned.

"Sure." She nodded.

They boosted her up and she began to climb it occasionally slipping.

"Ah shit!" She yelled.

"Language!" Isaac yelled back.

She finally reached the top allowing the cold air to hit her face, she saw the top of the wall.

It was surely something.

She hid it in an opening in a branch then she began to climb down.

"Shit!" She yelled as she slipped and fell a couple feet.

She caught herself on a branch just as she reached the bottom.

"Are you alright?" Minho said worriedly.

"Just peachy.." She sighed letting go and falling on her back.

"Need a hand?"

Elizabeth opened her eyes to Isaac holding out his hand.

Belle Ame [The Maze Runner - Newt]Where stories live. Discover now