Chapter 3: solid ground

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Today is Sunday It has been 3 months since the incident, Torra is still unconscious while the others went to their lives as usual but one person wasn't dealing with the guilt.

(In goku's house)

Chi-chi: Nara sweetie are you alright? She's been upset since the incident.

Nara didn't say anything but shook her head in response to her mother.

Chi-chi: still feeling guilty about Torra?

She shook her head up and down.

Chi-chi: do you want to eat?

She shook her head side to side.

Chi-chi: do you want to talk about it then?

The room was silent until Nara shook her head up and down.

Chi-chi: look it wasn't your fault you hit his head to hard.

Nara: it's my fault his still unconscious.

Chi-chi: I'm sure he'll understand.

Nara: I can't believe the person I liked is under a coma because of my rage. (Her body was shaking in fear.)

Chi-chi: just pray he wakes up soon so you can tell him how you feel.

(Chi-chi kissed her head and left her room.)

Nara: please be alright.

( Five days later)

It's seems as everyone was still unaware of a dreadful visit from frieza and his army until the space cop jaco arrived to give bulma a not so great head's up.

Jaci: excuse me podlings but have you by chance see bulma?

Goten: What do you want with trunks mom?

Trunks: yeah mister what are you here for?

Jaco: I have no time for your games just get her, Know!?

(Meanwhile In the in the briefs clinic)

Torra: uhh...what happened? My head hurts!

As Torra was getting up he saw that Nara was sleeping besides him.

Torra: why is Nara sleeping on the couch? (Got off the bed and slowly but surely left the room) that's weird why was Nara here? Doesn't she have a home?

Meanwhile Bulma was running in the corridor heading to Nara and Torra's room.

Bulma: Nara we have a problem!

Bulma startled the sleeping saiyan but notice something's off.

Bulma: wait where's Torra?

Nara: but he was here a while ago!?

Bulma: how long were you asleep!?

Nara: I don't know maybe an hour or two!?

Bulma: quick find him because we need all the hands we need!

Nara: what's happening?

Bulma: frieza's coming here and he has an army!?

Nara: What!?

( Just outside the building)

Torra's POV

Me: crap she's awake and she's not happy!  I ran as fast as i could trying to find my armor around here. Damnit where did bulma put my armor im still in these weird looking clothes? how am i supposed to get back inside when Nara is inside  having a rampage.

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