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Is this the place we're dreaming of
the place that we'd always been dreaming of?
no matter how many times you ask
there is no clear answer anywhere.

Even if what's visible to me is invisible to you
my reason for existing won't disappear.

I've seen the scenarios of the end
you've given up on several times
but it's a shame that was not
something I was able to change.

No more hidden meanings and lies
and no more imprisonment
I know I am contradicting myself.

At this point, my lives are countable
and my decisions were made
I know that we are still alive somewhere
I believe we can do something about it.

It's said you weren't the same person you are now
but god have almost destroyed you.

Passed words are essential to us
they more important than anything else
hidden meanings in our words
search for them.

If we keep on repeating this hell
then maybe two horns will grow out
we'll crush that with our own hands
and dream again over and over.

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