Ch. 2

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He wrapped his fins around the cat's waist, returning the hug he was given. He snuggled into Gumball's chest, his soft sweater making the perfect pillow. Darwin smiled and rest his eyes, he could worry about his feelings later, right now he had a different thing to worry about.

Gumball's feelings.



Gumball groaned, rubbing his eyes. His vision adjusted to darkness. But wasn't the sun up just a minute ago?

"What time is it?" He mumbled to himself, still half asleep. He turned his head and eyed the clock.

4:19 AM 

No no that can't possibly be right! 

He scanned the room, hoping it was just Darwin and Anais playing a prank on him. Last he checked it was 4 PM not AM, there's no way the day went by that fast. The blinds were shut, very little light being let into the room. Making it harder to see little details around the room that would've told him it was all a prank. A bump underneath the top bunk, indicating that Anais was in fact asleep and in her bed. Backpacks thrown on the floor in a sloppy way, exactly how he remembered it the day before. The house quiet, so quiet that he could hear himself breathing, which wasn't often. Normally, Darwin would be snoring, causing air bubbles in the water that made little popping sounds when they reached the surface. The satisfying pops sounded somewhat like a lullaby to him, putting Gumball to sleep most nights.

But where was that lullaby tonight? 

He shifted his attention over to the fishbowl on the nightstand.


A wave of panic swept through his body. 

Where could he be at this time!?

The cat threw the sheets off himself, preparing to search for his lost friend. He started to sit up but was pulled back down gently by a pair of arms with a firm grip around him. Shocked by the sudden contact, Gumball immediately looked in the direction of what had caused it. All his fear quickly vanished.

There he found Darwin, his arms wrapped around the felines waist. His head nuzzled into his chest and his legs wrapped around Gumball's as he emitted soft snores.

How cute.

Gumball gave a sigh of relief and positioned the covers over them once again. He stroked the back of Darwin's head and held him close.

"What happened last night?" He mumbled to himself.

"You didn't let me leave you-"

"What!? Er- Darwin I thought you were asleep! What do you mean I didn't let you leave?" He was startled, he didn't expect a response from his companion.

"I tried to go to my bowl, but you wouldn't let me go."

"What? I didn't-"

"Then why am I still here?" Darwin smiled and raised an eyebrow at the older of the two.

"Well...I don't remember doing it so then..." He trailed off and sighed, accepting defeat. "If you want you could go now? To your bowl?"

No response from the fish.

"Darwin?" The feline poked at his head playfully. "Darwinnn-"

A muffled giggle escaped Darwin's lips and he tried to keep a straight face.

"Darwinnn-" He poked again, raising his voice to a whine. "Darwinnnnn-"

"Shhh." Darwin clasped his hands over Gumballs mouth quickly. "You might wake up Mr. Dad or Mrs. Mom! Or Anais!" He pointed upwards towards Anais.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03, 2021 ⏰

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