Chapter One - A Whisper of Regret

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The loud and savage music blared from the cars speakers, no doubt being heard by the trail of cars and trucks in the traffic. The only other sound being the beeping of horns and the indignant swearing from the drivers behind.

"Jackson! Turn that music down!" The girl in the back seat called,"I'm trying to study!" Her messy brown hair was pulled into a bun, a few tendrils hanging by her face, her eyes narrowed at her big brother as he laughed at her annoyance. She clutched a textbook to her chest like a safety device, her thick framed glasses fell to the edge of her nose, and she pushed them up with her free hand.

"Annie, chill. The test will be cancelled due to the jam and even if it wasn't, you'd pass with flying colours because the teacher is in love with you." Jackson said, smirking and flicking his cigarette out of the window.

"He is not! And anyway why are you smoking again, it'll kill you one of these days and mum will go nuts if she finds out!" Annie replied, biting her lip.

"Mum won't find out and so what if she did, she's been smoking since she was 16 and its not like I. Doing it illegally... I am 18, Nini..." He called teasingly.

Annie rolled her eyes and scowled at the nickname.

Jackson carried on, "and Mr. Cowl is so in love with you, Andrea told me he got a boner when he covered your games lesson once." At this he burst out laughing and rested his head on the steering wheel as he tried to stop.

"That was a lie!" Annie defended although she hinted there was truth in the rumour as when a boy in her class had straight up asked the teacher he had only blushed and carried on teaching.

"Just drop it! I need to get to school." Annie said, blushing.

Her brother laughed and turned up the music as a heavy metal song came on the radio. A hand reached for the control and turned it up higher before turning to face Annie and grinning at her. "This is our song ain't it babe" a husky voice called, only just being heard over the lyrics of the song. 'Your sexy messed up hair that you only get in my bed, so get in my bed....." The song continued as Annie blushed harder as the lyrics of the song got more and more graphic.

"Shut up drew!" She growled at the voice, opening her book and attempting to block out her brothers idiotic best friend. The young attractive boy threw his head back and laughed heartily, "c'mon baby, you don't mean that" he said, the smirk on his face practically audible. He turned around and grinned at her, throwing a cheeky wink which made her put her head down to hide her blush which reached her ears.

Andrew Rivers, the 18 year old eye candy, currently the no.1 most attractive guy in the whole of ClearHill. His heart shaped face was known by girls as 'perfectly sculptured'. His black spiky hair and clear blue eyes has been compared to the darkest night and the brightest day. His body was simply viewed as 'delectable' and 'drool worthy'. As Annie knew all too well, his personality destroyed his seemingly perfect body, whilst to all other females made him truly irresistible. He was cocky, arrogant and a true narcissist. Although, while all this traits covered 95% of his personality, there was 5% which was different to her. Yeah he still acted like an ass, but he was a nicer one.... In private. Around others, he became a 100% prick.

"You want to kiss me, you want to hug me, you want to fu-" he sang but was cut off by Jackson.

"Dude! That's my sister!" He screamed, slapping him round the head, driving forward slightly with one hand on the wheel.

"Doesn't change the fact that she wants me" he replied sending a wolffish grin back in her direction. This caused another blush to spread on Annie's face, causing drew to let out another laugh.

Jackson snorted, and took a left onto a junction, barely cutting through causing someone to repeatedly beep their horn as they had only just managed to not hit their car.

"She can't stand you dude, and that's an understatement."

The car was silent as Annie wished the ground would swallow her up as she buried herself into her book.

Just as the car reached the road to turn into the school, drew turned to her, looking deeply into her eyes. "You don't mean that, do you baby?" He asked, while Jackson would think he was only pretending to be upset, Annie knew that the pain and desperation in her voice was entirely all to real. His eyes showed nothing but vulnerability. Almost like a child's who had been deprived of something. She knew the answer that her heart wanted to give.. She also knew it would cause immense humiliation for her and incredible pain for drew by way of her brother.

She knew which answer she had to give, the one that would save them both.

"Yes." She whispered, her voice a mere whisper of regret. "I do."

She swore she sore pain and sorrow flash through drew's eyes, but in a flash it was gone and all that was left was nothing except a conceited smirk she knew all too well.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2012 ⏰

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