road trip (Felix and Marzia Kjellberg)

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Wind came through the sunroof as we cruised down the highway in my new forrester. I pulled my sunglasses down over my eyes as Felix turned up the radio and Marzia whooped in the back seat. "I love this song!" she called and started to sing along. She began to dance and sway to the rhythm with her hands in the air, causing me and Felix to laugh.

Ever since I was young, I had been close with them. I would always go to their house after school and hang out there to avoid going home to my shitty family, even before they were married. I'm not even sure how I knew them, they were kinda just in my life since I was born.

My own parents were emotionally absent most of my life, so Felix and Marzia kind of became my second family. I had always wished they were my first, though. I called them mom and dad from time to time by accident. They never minded, I was basically their kid anyway.

I rolled down all the windows from the drivers seat and let the cool, spring breeze flow through the car. It was brand new, the first car I had ever bought on my own, and the first thing I wanted to do with it was take a road trip with my two favourite people.

Felix put his hand on the back of my head rest and looked at me thoughtfully. "I'm so proud of you," he began softly. "Everything you've accomplished's unbelievable."

I sniffed and glanced back at him when it was safe. "Stop, you're gonna make me cry da-I mean Felix," I replied, getting misty eyed. "Besides, it's not like I've done that much in my life."

Marzia held my right arm and leaned against the back of my chair. "It doesn't matter. All that you have done, you've done well, and that's what counts," she squeezed lovingly and I started to tear up. "And I don't mind if you call me dad."


A bit further down the highway, and approximately half way through we started to actually decide what we were going to do. Felix suggested we go to a museum on the way to wherever we were going.

"Well, we aren't going anywhere in particular," I reminded him. "We're just gonna stop where we want to until we're all road-tripped out."

Marzia wanted to go somewhere we could see animals. "I miss Edgar and Maya," she admitted.

"Maybe the Zoo?" I suggested, looking at a billboard as we passed by. "The aquarium is also close by too."

Felix looked at me for confirmation. "You have the control of the wheel," he said.

It didn't take long for me to think. "Yeah, let's go to the aquarium!" I decided. Marzia cheered as I got into the turn lane to the exit.

Inside the huge building, there were several oddly shaped floor to ceiling tanks that held huge sharks, among others, and smaller, more conservatively sized ones with even tinier minnows. An echo followed us everywhere we went, reverberating off of the glass.

We stopped at all the little kid areas, making oragami sea life and colouring little fish. One exhibit had a little game of Fishy Operation that Felix got frustrated with when he couldn't get the scales out.

"Come on, those games are impossible and you know it," I reassured him.

"It's a fucking kids game, I can do it," he insisted. I'm a grown man."

Needless to say, he eventually gave up.

There was a map on a wall, and I was drawn to it looking for one thing in particular.

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