Chapter 7: Eavesdropping

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I don't own these characters, surprise surprise.

We all hear a knock at the door. The next 10 seconds were committed to a lot of pointing and, "No, you get it," Until, bless his soul, Michael said,

"I'll just get it." We then hear a pause and then a "How may I help you?". In case your wondering, our lives are Michael Bay movies. Lot of explosions. So when we ask that question there's three reasons why. A) It's a distraction or B) We want to see if you'll kill us or turn us in for money or C) We're trying to be nice or D) We're trying to make our lives more generic, but there's actually an Elgen guard close by, ready to re-kidnap us. It's usually answer D. It's already happened 6 times TODAY. Like chill, Hatch is already dead, and there isn't much you can do anymore.

The next thing we heard though was... questionable. And I quote, "Can we come in?" Well someone has a death wish. 

"Sure." we heard Michael say. We all looked like we were going to puke. Then two... odd people came in the house. 

"We have a few questions to ask you." said a teenager. Who the heck wears a suit when your 14? Then suddenly a voice attached to a face came out of nowhere and said, "Why is there so much damage and electricity he-" then the door opened to see a terrified looking, 8-foot-tall man.

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