A Whisper In The Dark

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*Any Names, Addresses or personal information in this story is entirely fiction.. If you have any queries than please let me know.*



The bright colours clash together, the loud whistle of an ascending flame forgotten as the large mesmerising wonder entered the eyes of the few people below. It was incredibly windy but the people didn't mind as they were wrapped in large blankets and sat close together.

A girl stood, leaning against the tall oak tree, the branches withered and twisted within one another. Her mousy brown hair was ratty and soaked, looking unwashed and was covering her eyes, only just allowing her to see. She stared across the near abandoned field at the 4 people sat on a tartan blanket, one she had used many times before.

There was an older couple and a younger couple, both looking happy and content. They were talking and laughing with each other, only stopping to observe a new bout of fireworks which had been set off about 50 yards away in the local neighbourhood.

The girl stared, her eyes filled with longing and pain. "I miss you" she whispered, her face solemn and her lips cracked and dry. She sent one more lingering look their way before turning and slowly walking away. Footsteps made her speed up, away from the close knot family.

Away from the family that she was once a part of.

Away from the old life she knew.

"Annie!" A voice called from the distance, desperately calling the girl as she ran from their view and into the darkness.

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