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June 25th 1928 was the day I was born. The hot summer weather is suffocating. The sun burns the heads of the hatless workers. It was a very hot day in my town.

My name is Malakai Austen. My mother was a prostitute that my 'white' father fooled around with behind his wife's back. She died giving birth to me so my father took me in since his wife couldn't give him the children he wanted. I wasn't tolerated in their household. I wasn't wanted. My father wanted a boy and I wasn't my step mother's child either so I was ignored most of the time. I didn't know what affection was and I wasn't interested in knowing how it felt.

By the age of 15 I was sent to an all-girls catholic school outside town. To me it was a blessing to leave that toxic house hold. I didn't argue when my father announced the news on the dining table that night. I think I could confirm that it was the first time I've ever smiled truthfully.

I wasn't just a good student. I was the perfect example of the "straight A" kid with above average intelligence. The first couple of years went smoothly. I get great grades and get rewarded at the end of the school year. I was glad I didn't go back to my father's house for summer. I stayed and helped the nuns with whatever they needed help with.

My fifth and last year was going to start and I was ready for the routine once again, except I wasn't prepared for her to flip my "perfect" life upside down. Jade.

I can still smell the beautiful scent of roses on her long red hair. I missed how her locks brushed gently on my face when the wind blew them towards me. Her rosy lips and freckled face were still carved inside my brain.

I was woken up from my day dream by the voice of Mrs. Barns. An old lady who owned the bar I was working at for the past two years. I took the pen and the papers I was writing on and put them inside a drawer. I brushed my long black hair and wore my loose white shirt and pants getting ready to get harassed by creepy old men.

"Good evening Mrs. Barns" I looked at the older woman with smile, she's in her late sixties but still holding strong. Her grey hair suited her. She was a straightforward woman. She welcomed me with open arms and a pat on the back.

"Good evening Malakai. Are you ready for some bartending?"

"I'm always ready ma'am"


My shift was almost over and I was done with my life by then. I was harassed the whole night by men trying to get away from their problems, more like their wives.

I cleaned the bar and closed up the doors. Everything was in its right place and I was more than happy to get some rest. I went up to the room Mrs. Barns offered me. It was small but it had the only thing I've always wanted. Privacy.

I cleaned myself and changed out of the dirty clothes. I took my pen and papers sitting on the desk with barely enough lighting to see. I sighed at the memories flooding into my head one after one.

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