Chapter 30

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I like the fact that Killian is in the background of this picture ;) Also after this, there will be an authors note and an epilogue and then this story is finished :) hope you've enjoyed it, sorry for making it so sad at the end.

Killian's lifeless body swings from the ropes as father speaks but I'm not listening. I am focusing on this feeling inside of me. It keeps growing and growing until it can't anymore.

What is this feeling?

I'm not scared anymore.

It's like the sea, waves upon waves of darkness eating me up.

This feeling, it's so... good.

I feel powerful.

It's like the fires been out but now it's lit and I'm seeing clearly.

Mother, father and Neal have been nothing but a pain in the backside to me. They are the reason Killian is dead. They are the reason I'm not living out a happy ending. They're the reason this child does not have a father. They are the reason for my suffering.

I feel in control. Something I haven't felt in a long time. Taking my gloves off I feel free.

Nothing will ever hold me back. Not anymore.

I feel my magic run through my veins, something I haven't felt in ages and god it feels good.

Looking down at myself I see my dress is quickly turning black, it's like... I'm changing.

"Take him away," father spits, making me turn my head to my fiancée. Lifeless. Helpless.

I'm sorry Killian. I love you so much. I know you didn't want me to do this but I have to. I will avenge your death. I will avenge you. Don't worry, I won't let them get away with this.

"Stop," I shout, freezing them with my magic before stalking towards father who now sits next to mother.

"Emma?" William asks, looking at me strangely. I only smile as I look around at everyone who is now whispering fearfully. Scared of me. I never thought that would happen and the feeling is good. The feeling of power.

"Oh brother," I sigh, cupping his cheek but he pulls away from my touch. He looks so scared, he looks so small. He looks like a little boy again who wants to run to mummy and daddy.

Little does he know there the ones he should fear. Poor kid.

"Emma, whats- Emma," he says my name, looking me up and down. I smile, the cloud has cleared and now my vision is straight. Lifting my hand up I turn around and see father has been lifted up from the ground and is now choking. Am I doing that?

Yes. Yes, I am and I couldn't be happier. However, something inside makes me stop. No, for my revenge I want them to suffer.

"Emma, darling stop this," mother says, running over to me.


Like mother like son.

Neal is just like mother. I can now feel the hate Regina once felt. Oh god, I feel so sorry for her. Snow spillled her secret and Neal has spilt mine.

Like mother like son.

"Okay," I smirk, releasing father and walking over to Neal.

"Sis, Sis please I am so sorry," he practically begs.

Good, they know I'm not 'like them' anymore. But their shocked faces still make me smile, the fear in the eyes I could stare at forever.

"Killian's blood will forever be on your hands' brother. You killed my fiancée, the father of my child," my grin only gets wider as his mouth falls in shock and his eyes fall to my abdomen. The look of regret. Good, he should. I was almost so focused on that I nearly missed the gasp that travels around the crowd. And my parents.

"You're pregnant?" Father questions, running over to me with his sword drawn.

"You've left a child fatherless, how do you feel about that father?" I spit in his face, grinning as he wipes it away. Regret also on his eyes. I don't wait for a reply because I want away from these people but they need to know this first. "People of this kingdom," I begin, walking to the crowd who cower back. "Peasants, mother, father, brother," the words feel like dirt in my mouth.

Mother and father. Two people who were supposed to be there for me. Who were supposed to want me to be happy. Who were supposed to allow, accept and want my happiness.

But that didn't happen.

They killed Grace.
They killed Killian.
They left my child fatherless.

And for that, they will pay. Yes, I will make them suffer, so, damm, much.

"Today you have failed me, all of you," I begin, turning to William. I point at him and use my magic to appear infront of him. "Accept from you, you are the only person who ever truly loved me,"

"Emma, despite what you may think that is not true," Mother says but I use my magic to knock her back.

"And for the rest of you, your king and Queen are corrupt. The only person who deserves to rule this kingdom is William and obviously me, the heir to the throne. Neal and my parents killed my love, the father of my child. They're not the great valiant hero's you think they are. Their backstabbers. Betrayers. They cause heartbreak and heartache. Their the villains and I will get my revenge on David, Snow and Neal. And anyone prepared to back them up will also suffer. Anyone who gets in my way will be killed, you have been warned," I smile, looking around at everyone who looks so scared, especially David and Snow.

"Now, I think it's time I go, I wouldn't want my child to think the king and Queen are good now, would I?" I ask, smiling at all the guards and my family who have their weapons drawn. Even Blues pointing her wand at me. "Goodbye and may God save you all,"

I disappear with Killians body in a puff of smoke to where Grace's grave lies, and now shall will my fiancé.

Don't you worry Killian and Grace, I won't let them get away with this.

And for a second I swear I feel a presence behind me, two hands on my shoulder. A pair of lips on mine. A tear on my face, Killian's tear.

Grace and Killian are here, with me.

I will avenge your death Grace.
I will avenge your death, Killian.

Placing my hand over my stomach I take a deep breath. It's going to be okay. Soon.

Everything will be okay.

Forbidden Love (Dare to love #1) (OUAT fanfic)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora