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Listen to Empire ants or dare by the Gorillaz for vibes

Jake is 18 Sunghoon is 21

Word count: 3095



Sunghoon's room was right next to his, that stupid rat he now called his stepbrother now living basically five feet away from him. Don't get him wrong Jake was happy his mom finally found happiness with another man after his dad had left but did he have to have an annoying ass son who was so damn controlling?! This dude was only three years older than him yet acted like he could tell Jake what to do just because he was his Hyung, and when Jake didn't use honorifics he would get pissed. Like dude, chill.

Another thing that infuriated Jake was Sunghoon's sense of entitlement, their parents often left them alone to go on vacation and put the elder in charge. Sunghoon would always make sure Jake didn't have any fun, not letting him go out and not letting his friends come over.

"Dude you're not my mom I can do what I want"
"I'm in charge here Jake what I say goes"

Jake rolled his eyes at the memory, flopping back onto his bed. This weekend was like many others, his parents were out and Sunghoon was 'taking care of him', in essence controlling his plans and just being the dick he is.

Although his stepbrother was very controlling Jake tried to think of it like an overprotective and endearing act, even if it pissed him off. They had been related now for about a year and though they weren't quite close they were comfortable with each other, and that was enough for Jake.

Jake sometimes, with much self-hatred and disgust, would think about his stepbrother in a not-so-brotherly way. Yes, Sunghoon pissed him the fuck off but Jake was very gay and he couldn't deny the older's good looks, not to mention his overprotective attitude would pull at his heartstrings sometimes but he would never admit that to anyone, ever, even to himself.

Now he lay in his bed, depressed because he was supposed to go to a party with jay. Jake was pretty innocent besides his constant desire to party and just drink with his friends, (same jake) but of course, his plans were always ruined by Sunghoon. Today though was Jay's birthday party and there was no way he was going to miss it. So, Jake being the baddie he is decided it was time to defy his Hyung and sneak out of this hell hole.


Jake waited until he thought Sunghoon would be asleep to quietly climb through his window, not forgetting to thank Jesus that his room was on the first story and had a window facing the back of the house. He slipped through his window closing it silently but not locking it so he could get back in later. Running away to the car that was waiting for him, his other bestie Jungwon sitting in the driver's seat.

"What took you so fucking long?" Jungwon questioned Jake while driving away from his house even though Jake was only halfway in the car. "Sorry, I had to make sure hoon was asleep," he explained to his bestie. "Ok well we are a little late but it's fine I texted jay already but he responded with an Elmo meme so I think he's already drunk," Jungwon told him. Jake just chuckled in response, "you gonna drink too?" "Probs not I have to drive u home right?" He replied. "Yeah but if u want to drink I can just get another ride home," he offered, feeling kinda bad for being his friend's party pooper. "Nah it's chill I need to go home too so I can't drink anyways," Jungwon said allaying Jake's guilt. "Okay then I won't drink much either," he smiled at his friend.

Since Jay was a fashionista Jake and Jungwon decided to dress up, Jungwon in a striped cashmere sweater with a dress shirt under and dark wash jeans while Jake wore a simple black wide cut shirt that showed off his neck and collar, accompanied by a pair of dual-toned jeans. Both had on converse and slightly curled their hair, basically, they looked hot as fuck. Ready to celebrate their bestie's bday.

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