Vol 01 Ch 001.1

187 5 1

POV of Lucy:




Ohhh My God! !@#$%^&*

**mage of fire : salamander is in town**







“Why my heart beating so FAST!!?”  Lucy said to herself.





>.> *salamander*


(salamander stares at Lucy)

(Lucy’s heart beats faster and faster and faster)

“Is it because he’s a famous mage?” Lucy got puzzled in her feelings. “Is that why my heart is beating so fast!!?” Lucy added.


Natsu shouted while running through the encircled people.


“maybe I’m…….” Lucy is having a day dream.

“IGNEEL!” Natsu interrupted the people including Lucy.

“huh?” the day dream of Lucy ended.

>.>      <.<

Salamander and Natsu had faced each other.

Natsu was shocked when he saw that Salamander is not Igneel (the one that raised him up).

“Who are you?” O.o Natsu asked.

Salamander was shocked and said “Maybe you know me as………… SALAMANDER.” He grined.

O.O whaaaaaat?! “Gone already!?” salamander shouted.

And Natsu walked away disappointed. SIGH~ ..

Walk ..

Walk ..

Walk ..

Then girls ran to Natsu and grabbed him.

“Hey! You are rude!” the girl 1 said.

“She’s Right! Salamander-sama is a great mage!!!” the girl 2 said.

“Apologize to HIM!!!!!” the girl 3 said.

*what the heck* NATSU’s face is like this >>> -_-“

Then Salamander said ”I think that’s enough girls, he didn’t really mean it, either” *with glance*



All girls amazed by Salamander’s fake attitude except Lucy.

Salamander get a piece of pen and paper then signed it.

While giving it to Natsu, he said “I’ll give you my signature, you can show it off to your friends.”

It’s like a market place inside the crowd because of the girls who envy Natsu for the signature of Salamander, until…..

“I don’t want it.” The crowd stop for a second then…..

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2012 ⏰

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