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–––THIS WASN'T HOW THE NIGHT WAS SUPPOSED TO GO. Tonight was supposed to be the happiest night of his life - well, maybe that was an exaggeration, but for Jimin, that's how it would have felt. A night of love, passion and excitement. Jimin didn't understand where things went wrong; he didn't understand where he went wrong.

Four years. Four long years, but all of that meant nothing apparently as Jimin stood awkwardly in the doorway of his boyfriend's bedroom, his arms full with an abundance of snacks that he had bought for the occasion. His gaze flickered to the young woman who was lying in his boyfriend's bed; on his side too, he noted. She seemed deeply uncomfortable as she used the blankets to cover her bare chest, eyes wide from the horror of being caught. The embarrassed look on her face was enough to tell Jimin that she'd known about him all along. The thought made his stomach turn. From the bathroom, he could hear his boyfriend's voice calling out to her, unaware that Jimin was standing in the room.

Jimin could feel his heart shattering as he listened to him talk. He was already making plans for next weekend, using the phrase, "Jimin won't be home so we won't have to sneak around," Tears welled in his eyes, and he could feel his throat tightening, making it harder for him to breathe. His boyfriend stepped out of the bathroom - naked - and froze, his eyes widening in fear as he caught sight of Jimin standing in the doorway.

The silence in the room was unbearable.

Jimin didn't know what to do. He wanted to say something, anything - to shout, scream at him, cry - but it would all be too real for him. Four years of his life out the door in a matter of seconds and he didn't want to believe it. He just continued to stare down at the girl in the bed, wide eyed.

This was not how the night was supposed to go. It was their four year anniversary. They were supposed to be celebrating.

Well, one of them was celebrating.

From the corner of his eyes, Jimin could see his boyfriend open his mouth. To say what, he didn't know, nor would he know for several weeks following the incident, because to hear what he had to say would be the same if he were to scream. It would all be too real for him. And so JImin bolted, the bag of snacks crashed against the floor with a thud as he dashed out of the apartment.


—————— 𝛀 ——————

three weeks later

–––YOONGI LET OUT A HEAVY SIGH, HIS HEAD FALLING INTO HIS HANDS. Mortals were infuriating. He could practically hear Jin rolling his eyes from the other room as the souls began to pour in. Even in death, they still managed to be annoying.

Another day had come to an end, and yet it felt as if it was just starting. There really was no rest for the wicked as he pushed himself from his desk with a scowl and wandered over to the other end of the room. The large, floor to ceiling windows overlooked most of Tartarus; the dark and angry reds flooded his vision, mixed with dull browns and greys. Yoongi hated looking at it. It was too angry for his liking, much like how the Elysian fields were a little too bright and happy. The stark contrast bothered him to the point that he only visited to deal with the paperwork. He preferred the Fields of Mourning or the Asphodel Meadows where the colours were more muted and pale in comparison. It was much easier on the eyes.

Yoongi could feel his heart racing in his chest as his throat tightened, constricting his breathing as he stared out at his domain. His head is pounding, and he doesn't realize that he's crying until he's suddenly overcome with sadness and collapses to the floor with a choked sob. This is the third time this day that he's felt like this, and he can't understand why. He can't even remember the last time he'd ever cried.

He felt as if his whole world had been ripped from him and then destroyed. He felt helpless and lonely; a feeling he has zero experience with. Even as the god of the underworld, who can experience emotions such as happiness, anger and sadness, the feelings are not as intense as what he was feeling right now.

It's a strange sensation for him - to be crying on the floors of his office hysterically like mortals. If only the other gods could see him now; they might think that he's lost it. And maybe he has. He doesn't understand where the pain and hurt are coming from. It'd been happening for almost a month now - the restless nights where he can't rest, the moments of inexplicable rage that's more rooted in pain and sadness than it is in anger, his outbursts of tears and hysteria. Something was happening to him, but he did not know what it was.

He can't afford to sit on the floor and sob away his evening, he has work to do, but to move himself from the floor to his feet feels like an impossible task. He felt exhausted, and depressed, and sitting on the floor felt much better than having to go out there and face the souls of the dead. Thankfully for him, he seemed to feel much calmer. Enough so that he could compose himself. He'll be thankful to get this over with so that he can return to his home. Perhaps he could bribe Jin to do some of the paperwork for him so that he could have a few moments of peace to collect his thoughts and figure out what the hell was going on with him. A change of scenery was needed.

He abruptly pushed himself away from the windows, the sound of screaming being drowned out as he took a few deep breaths and tried to wipe the redness from his eyes. He would get through this strange new sensation, but first he would have to face the music.

With a dark look, he made his way to the doors of his office, and reached for the knob, pushing it open almost too aggressively. The voices of the souls quickly ceased, and hushed whispers filled the hall as he stepped out to greet them.

—————— 𝛀 ——————

guess who came back to edit the first chapter because they felt unsatisfied

if you guess me, you'd be right

I know that this is the first chapter, but if anything is confusing so far or you have questions, leave a comment and i'll try to get back to you

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⏰ Última atualização: Jul 02, 2021 ⏰

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i n f e r n u m | yoonmin [coming summer 2021]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora