Chapter 4: Hurt and Comfort

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Xingqiu opened his eyes hearing banging on the bathroom stall his in. He didn't quite realize anything that was going on around him. All he knew is that he hurt and the person on the other side of the door was frantically banging on the stall door. He tried to stand but just collapsed on the floor, he let out a soft whimper of pain.

"Xingqiu! Please! Open the door! Please! Please..." Chongyun yelped helplessly, tears rolling down his own cheeks.

Hours had passed since Xiao's class and when Xingqiu was nowhere to be found for the last periods of the day Chongyun became worried. Of course the first thing he did was call Xingqiu, who didn't pick up. That's when he became the most worried, Xingqiu always picked up his phone only for Chongyun, always. So he hurriedly called Xingqiu's dad, who said he wasn't home. Chongyun and all of their friends went to look for him. It took hours before Chongyun finally found Xingqiu passed out in a stall on the floor. He wasn't small enough to fit under it so all he could do was bang on the door and hope that Xingqiu would wake up. And it sounded like he did until a loud thud was heard and Chongyun screamed for him.

Minutes passed, and yet it felt like hours, Xingqiu opened the door and was met with a huge hug from Chongyun. "You idiot never do that again" Chongyun cried as Xingqiu hugged him.

"I'm sorry, I just...this weird feeling washed over me...and it hurt so much, I couldn't see straight anymore...and I don't know why, I'm sorry" He hugged him back.

"Hey, hey, it's fine I'm here now" Chongyun reassured him.

"That's the thing" He bit his lip. "It all started because of you"

"What?," Chongyun stood back, clutching Xingqiu's shoulders. "What did I do? I'm so sorry"

"I'm not entirely started when I figured out your crush was Xiangling, it just hurt and, I think it's because I'm scared of you leaving me once you two start dating. And I'm sure you're going to make an incredible couple" He weakly smiled and Chongyun didn't have the heart to tell him he was wrong.

"Don't worry Xingqiu I'm not going to leave you even when I start dating" He hugged him once more.

He nodded and looked at Chongyun, "Can we skip the bookstore...I just wanna go to your house and nap" He nuzzled his head into the blue haired males neck, causing both of them to blush.

"Of course, come on" He grabbed Xingqiu's bag, carrying it and holding the boys hand. "I got you" Chongyun smiled.

The two boys made their way to Chongyun's house, it wasn't the fastest walk in the world but it was definitely peaceful and they both enjoyed one anothers company. They got to the house, Chongyun putting down the backpack to grab his key and unlocking the door, never letting go of Xingqiu's hand; as if he was a balloon that would fly away if he let go to loosened his grip even a little.

He got the door unlocked and picked up the backpack and walked into his house. They both slipped up their shoes and made their way up stairs into Chongyun's bed room. They both let go of one another's hands and started to change out of their uniforms. Xingqiu borrowed a shirt and shorts before crawling into Chongyun's bed. He quickly fell asleep as soon as Chongyun joined him. They held one another close and nothing else mattered in that moment. Just them and the calm silence that was only interrupted by Xingqiu's rhythmic breathing. Chongyun smiled down at him, playing with Xingqiu's hair as softly as he could to not wake him. He loved this and was very thankful Xingqiu wasn't awake otherwise he'd hear how hard his heart was beating. It felt as though it would come out of his chest, but none of that mattered now. All that matters was the peacefully asleep Xingqiu on his chest and he was fine with that. It felt like when a cat decides to sleep on your lap and you're obligated to not move in order to not bother the creature on your lap.

Minutes passed and Chongyun felt his eyes begin to close; and before he knew it he fell asleep, his hand intangled in Xingqiu's long hair. They just slept, comforted by one anothers presence and both secretly hoped that they could do this more often.

Hours had passed when they were both awakened by Chongyun's mom calling them for dinner. Xingqiu yawned and got off of Chongyun's chest despite not wanting to leave his warmth. Chongyun sat up afterwards, rubbing his eyes and looking at his alarm clock. 7:04pm, had they really slept for 2 hours? They both shared a look and silently agreed that they should go downstairs for dinner.

They came downstairs and Chongyun's mom softly chuckled. "You two were that tired, huh?"

They both nodded and she pressed her pointer finger to her chin. "If you ask your father Xingqiu, you can stay the night"

Xingqiu nodded "I'll do that after dinner"

"Sounds good, now can you two set the table for me?" She asked to which they both nodded, making their way into the kitchen.

Xingqiu grabbed the plates, handing them to Chongyun who set them on the table while Xingqiu grabbed the silverware and put that down after him. After he laid down the last fork he held out his hand for a high five which Chongyun gladly returned.

Chongyun's mom came into the dining room, taken aback on how fast they did that. She smiled and ruffled their hair. "Good job boys" She praised as they went to sit down.

Dinner came and went, thankfully it wasn't as chaotic and lovey dovey as lunch had been that day.  Xingqiu ended up calling his father, asking to stay the night, which he was able to. So after dessert the boys made their way upstairs. They played some video games before Xingqiu got tired again and slumped against Chongyun's shoulder.

Chongyun didn't realize that the male has already fallen asleep, until he went to ask why he wasn't moving. He blushed a deep red as he saw his crush fast asleep on his shoulder. He tried his best to pick up Xingqiu, bringing him to bed. Luckily they were both already in their pajamas. Chongyun laid down Xingqiu, turned off the video game and lights before crawling into bed with Xingqiu, setting his alarm and holding the boy close. He held Xingqiu tightly before falling asleep himself.

A/N: Woop double update!

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