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We've finally arrived on Yellow Diamond's newest colony, the Crystal Colony 132! I was ready to order all my gems for their purposes and roles. By now, the Peridots had started out the core and the Rutiles activated the injector bay and the medical bay. Everything was going great, until we were landing in the thick atmosphere of the planet.

It was an incredibly bumpy ride, gems sliding everywhere through the green halls, with vines engraved into them as a few crystal tubes intertwined the ship. A few of us even crashed into the crystalline tubes!

But we landed safely onto the alien planet. The ships door opened, and we walked onto the pink ground. We could see colonization had already been started, so we were not the first gems onto the planet. A large spire was in front of the entire docking bay. A group of gems were walking up the spiral staircase leading to the inside.

A few arenas in the sky could be seen in the horizon as dark pink mountains illuminated everything.

"Can the Rubies stay near the Sapphires, in case of rebels or rogue off colors?" I asked, the Rubies standing in front of the Sapphires in a certain stance.

"This is quite uncanny to me," One of the sapphires said, followed by another saying, "I think it's pretty, besides, it matches you!"

"Yeah, I guess," The pink sapphire replied back.

"Alright, everyone can explore as long as the rubies and the other quartzes stay near the Sapphires, and my personal guards follow me, as always,"

{ With the Peridots }

"Hey, 9XD! You see those arenas in the sky?" One of the peridots said as Fern Agate walked up the spiral staircase.

"Yeah? What about them?" The dark green square hair peridot replied.

"We could train on those arenas!"

"Are you kidding? We're not made to fight, unless we have to!"

"Yeah, 9XD is right, 9XE."

"But we can fight if we actually have-"

"Cut it out, 9XE."

"Okay, okay! I'm going by myself,"

"Okay fine, 9XE."

And with that, 9XE left the group of Peridots and started walking by herself, unaware that she would get lost amongst the massive world.

Upon realization that they could get lost, the Peridots ran the other way back towards the spire Fern had walked up.

Then 9XE realized she was lost. "Great, now I'm lost," 9XE would complain. "Maybe I shouldn't have left the group. Oh well. At least the scenery here is beautiful." 9XE continued, being a but optimistic about the whole thing.

She began following her footprints back, but soon didn't know which footprints were hers as a bunch of different footprints lead in different directions. Meanwhile, the other gems were waiting for 9XE back on the spire.

"When is she gonna be back..."

"She shouldn't have chosen another path." A yellow circle hair peridot said.

"Ugh, when is this gonna be over?" A blue Rutile said, groaning with boredom.

Soon, 9XE found the spire they were on. Walking up the spiral staircase, 9XE felt a bit... nervous about what was gonna happen to her.

"9XE is back!" "Finally!" "Why did you split up?" "You got lost, your gonna be in trouble, hehe!" "9XE." Some of the gems said.

"I know I'm gonna be in trouble, okay, Jasper?" 9XE said. An iolite aristocrat walked up the staircase, followed by a group of jades.

We could hear the jades talking with the iolite.

We could all hear a few weapons being summoned. Rebel gems?

"Fern Agate, a group of rebels are coming." One of the sapphires said, using their knowledge of the future to our advantage.

"Guards, weapons!" I shouted, all of my guards summoning spears and shields and whips, alongside small daggers.

"Attack!" And with that, the rubies and the quartzes attacked. However, the rebels were tenacious and could easily dodge attacks.

"3WJ, get some energy from your spear!" One of my guards said, as 3WJ shot some energy from her spear, however, the fusion dodged it.

The fusion in question was between a Pearl and an amethyst. The amethyst's gem replaced one of their eyes, and the Pearl's gem was on their back. However, the fusion summoned an energy bow, and shot at us.

"Everyone for theirselves!" One of my gems yelled. Everyone began running in different directions as the arrows flew everywhere. I was shoved down by one of my rubies.

Even the iolite and the jades were running, alongside a Heliodor technician. Screams of terror were heard, the fusion shooting more and more. At this point, every gem in that floor of the spire were running. I managed to get up, but barely.

The last gems ran up the staircase to the next floor. I had been trampled in the panic, and forgotten about. I took out my gem weapon, a destabilizer, and ran towards the fusion.

"Heh, you wanna fight?" The fusion said, tugging at their bow. However, I managed to destabilize them, just before a flurry of arrows came raining down. It was a orange pearl and a standard amethyst. I would bubble both of the gems.

It was only then that the rest of the gems came running down, and most of them seemed to praise me. "That was incredible!" An emerald said.

But me and my gems needed to get back to our ship. I was gonna punish that ruby. "Alright everyone, back to the ship." I commanded as all of the guards, the Nephrites, my personal pearl, the Rutiles, and the guards followed me back to the docking bay, and soon into my ship. The Nephrites went to the piloting bay.

"Ruby 5RF." I announced. It was the code name of the ruby that shoved me over. "Yes?" The ruby said, walking over.

"Why did you push me over?"

"I-I didn't mean to..." The ruby whimpered, shrugging.

{ Imma leave this on a cliff hanger. I appreciate all the votes, comments, and views! Have a great day! }

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