I'm Jealous, Baby!!

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"Thank you." Zee said to the steward. The man put a glass of water in front of him. He nodded at the steward and the man smiled at him.

Zee then took out a container and took out 2 pills from it. He was beginning to feel his bruises throbbing and his body aching from the fall he had the night before. Pavel managed to secure a plane back to Bangkok and Zee was glad that they would be home soon. He had not talked to Saint after the incident. Part of him was glad that he did not have to confront Saint again, but another part of him feel dejected as Saint was not with him. His physical pain was not as bad as the pain he was feeling in his heart.

"Are you in pain Zee?" Dome asked him from across the aisle.
"A little." Zee admitted and took his pills.
"Dome... Do you have Saint's number on your phone?"
"Yeah... Why?"
"May I borrow your cell phone? I want to send a message to him." Zee told his brother.
"Thanks." Zee whispered.

    Zee wondered what to write but ended up apologising and informing him that they are on their way back to Bangkok. He pondered whether he should tell the man that he loved him. He shook his head and returned the cell phone back to Dome.

"By the time we land, we will get a new phone for you Zee."
"Okay Dome... Thank you... I think I want to sleep now."
"You haven't eaten Zee... You didn't take breakfast nor lunch and now you want to sleep on an empty stomach?"
"I don't feel like eating... Don't worry... I'm good."
"I can ask for something later when I am hungry." Zee smiled at him.
"Zee... I have some snacks if you want them." Pavel poked his head behind Dome and offered.
"I'm good Pavel. Thanks guys."

    Zee dimmed the lights and turned away from Dome and Pavel. The two men studied Zee's sleeping form. They then told a stewardess that they are ready to take dinner. They served them dinner and they started eating.

"I think I like Bratty Baby better than this..." Pavel whispered and Dome punched his arm.
"Don't ever say that. It's not easy to be his brother and have to listen to all of you complaining." Dome murmured.
"So... Zip it!" He told Pavel.
"But I like Zee with... Some... Spunkiness." Pavel stared at Zee.
"Spunkiness is not the same as being an erratic brat Pavel." Dome shook his head.
"Calm down Dome..." Pavel smiled at him.
"Hey Dome..."
"Any news on the script you submitted... A couple of months back?" Pavel questioned Dome.
"No... I hope they like it." Dome said.
"They will Dome." Pavel nodded confidently.
"What is it about?" He asked.
"About a man who falls in love with someone and that someone is already in a relationship. To make matters worse, that someone is in abusive relationship." Dome narrated.
"What happens next?" Pavel queried.
"You have to watch the series." Dome smiled.
"I'm not into romantic stuff..." Pavel mumbled.
"But you are a romantic." Dome pointed.
"Only when I am with you Baby..." Pavel grinned.
"You'll do anything for me?"
"Of course Baby!" Pavel answered.
"May I have your lamb?" Dome pointed his fork at Pavel's lamb.
"No. It's mine."
"I thought you loved me?" Dome stated.
"You lose to lamb!" Pavel took the lamb and ate it with vigour.
"Guess who's not getting..." Dome moved closer to Pavel.
"A blowjob later." He whispered into Pavel's ears.
"EVIL! That's what you are." Pavel complained.
"Just give me one!" Dome grovelled.
"No Dome! Why did you eat yours so fast?" Pavel complained.
"I was... AM hungry!"
"Go ask for more from them!" Pavel pointed at the stewardess and steward.
"So much for being a romantic... I take that back!" Dome grumbled.
"Baby... I need the lamb to build these guns..." Pavel began flexing his arms but Dome rolled his eyes.

    Pavel laughed when Dome poked his arm with his fork. They were both laughing and teasing each other when someone sat next to Zee.

"Saint?" Dome was surprised to see him on the same plane and was sitting in front of him.
"I booked a ticket for him too." Pavel told Dome.
"I don't think Zee knows?" Dome asked and Pavel shook his head.
"You have problems with Saint being here?" Pavel queried.
"Of course not... I think Zee will be happy Saint." Dome asserted while smiling.
"How is he?" Saint questioned Dome.
"Hasn't been eating since morning. Calmer... More reasonable... Still experiencing some pain from the fall." Dome listed.
"Thanks Pavel for getting me the ticket." Saint said.
"No worries."
"He sent you a message using my cell phone just now." Dome informed him.
"His phone is with Mew I think." He added.
"His phone is with me... Mew gave it to me." Saint shared.
"Saint... Why aren't you with The Prince?" Dome questioned him.
"Won't you get into trouble for this?" He added looking worried.
"The Prince and his Playboy boyfriend are now in France."
"And... You don't have to follow them?" Dome asked.
"The Playboy boyfriend gave The Prince an ultimatum. Him or me... The Prince picked his boyfriend." Saint explained.
"He has a boyfriend? Who's the guy?" Dome asked him.
"Mew Suppasit."
"MEW?" Dome looked surprised.
"Wow... Who would have thought of them being together... Like not in a million years..." He murmured.
"I'm just glad you are here Boss... We are like one big happy family again." Pavel smiled.
"A dysfunctional one." He added.

MY BEAUTIFUL BODYGUARD (COMPLETE)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon