Self harm

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TW: self harm 

The purpose of this story is to make people who struggle with certain issues feel loved/ supported <3 , if you want me to write about a certain issue please comment :)

So in this chapter the main character struggles with self harm and the fellow cast members are trying to help them. 

When you see what clothes you have to wear, you panic. It's a t-shirt with jeans. You can't wear something without sleeves, not after what you did last night. Why didn't you think about the consequences before you hurt yourself again. No that's not fair, you can't blame yourself for not thinking about the consequences when you were clearly very upset.  But the issue is still there: you cannot wear this t-shirt. You look at the time, it's 1:15, you're supposed to be dressed at 1:30. You sit down on the couch and cover your face with your hands. How has my life come to this? It feels like you've lost a certain piece of innocence. Not having to worry about what to wear , not feeling the urge to hurt yourself. You get so overwhelmed by all your thoughts that you start crying. Tears are streaming down your face. You try to calm yourself down, but it doesn't work. Then someone knocks on the door of your trailer. "Who is it?" You ask. "Sara and Jessica!" Sara says. "Okay come in!" You say as you quickly wipe away your tears. Sara and Jessica enter your trailer and immediately see that something is wrong. "Sweetie, were you crying? Why aren't you dressed yet?" Jessica asks and she sits next to you. "I.." is all you manage to say before you break out in tears again. "It's okay ssshhh, everything is going to be okay." Sara says as she sits on the other side of you. "Can you tell us what's wrong? Maybe we can help?" Jessica says. You don't know how to tell them. You're afraid they'll think badly of you. Then as if she'd read your mind Sara says: "We won't judge you." "Okay" You say and you take a big breath. "I've been struggling with self harm for a while and yesterday evening I relapsed and now I can't wear a t-shirt." For a moment it is completely silent in the trailer. Then Jessica puts her arm around you and says: "I am so proud of you for telling us that. That is the first step in getting better." You try to smile. Sara wipes away your tears and then she stands up: "Okay this is what we're going to do: I am going to talk to the people that are in charge of clothing and we're going to get you another outfit. Does that sound good?" You nod. "Sweetie does anyone else know you've been struggling with this?" Jessica asks you. "No just you now." You answer. "Okay so maybe we should try and get you some help, is that something that you're willing to do?" "Yes I think so." "Okay so Sara is going to get you another outfit and I'll see if the therapist on set has time to see you soon." "Thank you so much." You answer and you feel relieved. Your biggest secret is not a secret anymore and instead of judging you, they just want to help you. "Before I go, can I ask you one more thing?" Sara asks. "Yes of course." You answer. "Why do you do it?" It might seem strange but you've never really thought about this before. Why is it that you feel the need to hurt yourself? "I honestly don't know. I think it's just a way for me to cope with negative feelings. Make wounds on the inside visible on the outside." Sara looks at you and says: "Thank you for sharing that with me. I'll go get you another outfit now, okay?" And she leaves the trailer. It's just Jessica and you now. "Is it okay if I go find the therapist? I'll be right back after I've talked to her. If you don't want me to go I can stay." She says. "No it's okay." "Will you be safe?" She asks and she looks at you. "Yes I will be." You promise her and she goes off to find the therapist. Now it's just you alone in your trailer. Your heart is still racing but you're also proud of yourself for sharing your struggles. The scene will be fine and the therapist will help you to learn to cope in a different way. And for the first time in a long while it feels as if everything could actually be okay. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 18, 2021 ⏰

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