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4 years later

After the incident, (Y/N) was taken by to the hospital, thanks to the police that arrived there.

As of All for One, there wasn't any trace of him.

(Y/N) was invited to live under strict protection. However, he declined the offer.


Musutafu, Japan

Inside a small room of an apartment, an alarm rings.

(Y/N) : Uh...

The teen sits up on his bed and scratches his eye.

(Y/N) : Oh man.... I'm alive....

He was older than before.

He turns off the alarm.


(Y/N) looks around the room and after a while walks to the window and open the curtains.

(Y/N) : Ah!! Not the sun!

He looks at the street, it was as busy as always.

(Y/N) : What a perfect day to hate myself.

He goes inside the bathroom to fresh up.

Time skip

(Y/N) walks out of the bathroom wearing new clothes.

(Y/N) : Good thing, I cleaned this place yesterday.

He sits on his bed and scrolls through his phone until his stomach growls.

(Y/N) : I hope I have bread.

He rushes to the mini fridge and sighs in relief.

(Y/N) takes the bread and the eggs to kitchen and starts to make his breakfast.

(Y/N) had left his school right after the incident and was getting home tutions. But after his last year at junior high, his teacher recommended him to attend a proper high school.

He puts his breakfast on the table. He checks the post box to see if there were any important letters or anything. He becomes surprised when he finds a single letter in it.

(Y/N) : That's weird, it doesn't look like it's the electricity bill...

(Y/N) turns it around and becomes more shocked by looking at the sender's address.

(Y/N) : U.A?! But why!!?

(Y/N) sits on the table and opens the letter, there was a device inside it.

(Y/N) : How does this work?

He accidentally pushes a button and projection appears in front of him.


The number one hero says. He wasn't in his regular hero costume, instead he was in a yellow suit.

All Might : It's been a while, there's so much to deliberate on.

(Y/N) : You... What do you want now?!

All Might : First of all, Young (Y/N)... I-

All Might : Get to the point, you say?! Ah, Whatever...

He says to the director.

All Might : Young (Y/N), after knowing what happened to your family...We the council of U.A has an offer for you!!

(Y/N) : Why would I even listen to you.... That day.... You... Only if you were there... My parents would still be alive!!! Do you even know how I feel!?

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