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"Where are you from? Did you make friends there?" Jiaying, my guide, and I were hiking up to a secure location for us to practice my powers. "At S.H.I.E.L.D.? Yeah. They're my family. Or, they were," I said. "Until you changed? They sent agents after you," she said. "I don't know what happened, but that wasn't S.H.I.E.L.D. It was a third party. They wouldn't do that," I said firmly. "Do you understand your gift?" she asked.

"I...have ghost powers?" I said, and she laughed. "Well, not really. You can manipulate particles to make them visible and tangible, and the other way around," she said. "Any particle?" I asked. "Maybe. They're your powers, I just work here," she said. "Here. Take this rock, and feel it, feel the particles," she said.

I wrapped my fingers around the rock, feeling each grain pressing against my fingers. "I--I can feel them," I said, the sensation odd. "Good. Now try to make them invisible," I concentrated, closing my eyes. I felt a ripple on my hand, opening my eyes to see no rock, but I could feel it. "Very good. Very, very good. Not many people have the discipline needed to perform these kinds of tasks. Now, bring back the visibility," I felt another shimmer and the rock appeared again.

 As it did, there was almost a ripple effect starting at the center. "Now, I want you to make it intangible, but still visible," she said. I closed my eyes, the weight leaving my hand. When I opened my eyes again, the rock was still there, but I couldn't feel it. "Woah," I tossed it up, and as it fell back down it passed right through my hand, stopping at the ground.

"This is my last request--go intangible," she said. I closed my eyes, feeling my body tingle before opening them. "I don't look any different," I observed. "Try and touch me," I reached out, my fingers passing right through her shoulder. I felt my eyelid getting heavy and pulled my hand out just as I became tangible.

"Excellent work. That is all for today. I have other things I must take care of. Go eat and rest. We will resume tomorrow," 


"See this wall? I want you to make it semi-tangible," she pointed at the far wall, and I gaped at her. "Semi-tangible?" I asked. "This is a test, Asya, to see if you have a handle on what I've taught you so far. This will take a lot of focus," she warned me. "Al-Alright," I pressed my palm to the wall, closing my eyes. I felt a slight ripple start at the center of my palm, and my hand slowly start to move.

I opened my eyes to see my hand partially submerged into the wall. I looked at Jiaying, who had a smile on her face. My eye was drooping, I felt exhausted. That was probably the side effect of my gift--exhaustion. Jiaying sighed for a second before speaking.

"You have a very powerful gift, Miss Anatolievna. Rocks and walls are not the only things you can manipulate. If you grow strong enough, you could manipulate water, bodies, the very air around us. You could change continents,"

a/n Extra Update because I hit fifty followers! Thanks so much!

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