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Scars and cuts cover her body,

hidden away from sight.

No one would expect it to be her,

with her smiles and laughs.

But behind all that,

is a girl broken down inside.

Evey smile has a hidden secret,

hoping to be found.

Ever laugh is broken,

just like she feels.

She wonders if just ending life,

would end the pain to.

Scars and cuts cover her body,

hidden away from sight.

Tear stains cover her face,

from where all she knows to do is cry.

No one would think of her,

to be the way she really is.

The words they always told her,

are marked down on her body.

All the smiles are hidden away now,

along with the laughs that were so sweet.

All the screaming and fighting she does,

is a war against herself.

Trying to stay alive long enough,

to say goodbye.

Blood spills out on the floor,

her body lay broken on the floor.

She lets out her tears that have been hidden for so long,

with a note beside her saying goodbye.

Scars and cuts cover her body,

no longer hidden from sight.

No one would have thought,

but no one took time to ask.

Now she lay broken,

no longer alive on the floor.

Now they see all the pain,

they caused and she hid it all.

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