Family Time

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I was hoping not to be too fried on my way to pick up Booger from practice but I just left a study session with my best friend Chandler. When he opened my car door he had an all knowing face.
Me: Heeyyy Booger.
Jr: How long are you gonna call me that?
Me: Til the day you die baby bro. Sooo how was practice?
Jr: Draining & exhilarating as always
Me: A great mixture, I should call mom & see if she's home

I picked my phone up out of my lap telling Siri to call 'Mommy Dearest'.
Ring... ring.... ring..
Mom: Helloo darlingg, are you on your way home it's 9:00.
Me: Yes mother, we were actually calling to check if you were home, we are leaving the school as of right now.
Mom: Hurry home honeys I have my famous 4 layer lasagna in the oven as of right now.
Jr: She'll step on it.
I let out a laugh telling our mother I'd see her soon shortly before hanging up. She must really be committed to this bonding night if she's cooking the family favorite. She also sounded high so she must be in a good mood which will pay off if Juniors planning to tell her about his offer.

Me: Mom sounded in a good mood-
Jr: You could say that, I would say she sounded high as hell just like you.
Me: Oh shut your perfect lung having ass up, I was gonna say this is a perfect opportunity for you to tell her what you told me earlier.
Jr: You really think I should go for it? You don't think I'm making the wrong decision?
Me: I think you ask too many questions, & that it's great to go with what you think is best. College is all about going at your own pace as long as you can stay organized.
Jr: I'm more organized than you & mom combined.
Me: Says the guy with stanky draws & socks all over his room.
Jr: At least it don't smell like skunk ass
Me: What you know bout that dank?

I put my hand in his face before turning up the volume to my music playing from the aux. We drove the rest of the way home listening to some good ole Frank Ocean. Junior & I stepped out of the car & walked into our house with the smell of melted cheese & warm tomato sauce filling our nostrils. We gave each other a look & raced to the kitchen.
Mom: Aht aht aht, you shower first & you help me load this dishwasher.
We both groan having to part ways as he heads for the stairs & I walk over to the sink next to my mother.
Mom: Hello to you too, I know you didn't just want a nice dinner out of me.
Me: Heyy mom, how was your meeting?
Mom: Good for the studio, bad for our town. The crime rates are going up as everyone expected. The governor said there's been twice as many shootings since January.
Me: That's terrible, I'm so happy Juniors not in the streets like those boys.
Mom: I'm just worried about when he starts driving & the police will see him as a target.
Me: Oh my god I wasn't even thinking of that.

We hear the stairs creak & cut our conversation short. I put the last of the silverware in the dishwasher & close it.
Jr: Can I pleasseeeee eat now?
Mom: Yes my baby, I already set the table.
The three of us gather at the dining table, careful not to point out the empty chair at the far end of the table. Have we really never sat down together for dinner since dad passed. Scooping my share of lasagna onto my plate I cleared my throat looking at Junior, signaling for him to pick up the topic of the night.
Me: Thank you so much mom, this smells so delicious, Jay don't yu agree?
Jr: Duh, mom you already know I appreciate it very dearly.
I glared at him & he quickly locked eyes back with mom.

Jr: I appreciate everything you do for me, which is why I hope you'll accept my decision of going to Kent State.
The sound of her fork clanged as it dropped onto her plate.
Jr: Um yes.
Mom: Oh my god baby this is amazing!
Jr: But mom, are you gonna be okay all alone in this house?
Mom: Are you kidding me? Before your father I was alone for most of my teenage years & look what I've made out of myself. I'll be completely fine. I have my birdies & my felines to keep me company.
Me: That's what I'm worried about.
Mom: Wait, you knew about this?
Jr: Only since this afternoon.

Her glare at me softened as she took another bite of her masterpiece.
Me: You were pretty focused on me earlier mom but I think you're the one who needs some lovin'
She choked at the sound of my suggestion.
Mom: I don't need anything.
Me: Then neither. Do. I.
Mom: That is where you're wrong I've already met the love of my life, & I've already had my fun & had my children, I have everything I need right here.
She put her hand on her chest & gave us a loving look.
Mom: I'm really glad you got us to do this darling, I think it's just what I needed.
Me: I'm gonna miss you guys so much
Jr: No more sappy talk at the dinner table.

We all finished filling each other in about our lives lately & for the first time in a long time we felt like a normal family again. Mom is usually always caught up writing an article or a newsletter or leading some nonprofit while Juniors always at school or practice & I've been busy working saving up for my new apartment & studying for my upcoming business classes. It was like dad was the glue to our family bond & now we're finally overcoming the elephant in the room.

Later as I laid in bed wrapped in my covers, I looked at the screen of my phone thinking back to what my brother earlier told me.
"Imagine you have everything you ever wanted, & no one to share it with"  That hit home to me, I didn't want to be alone the rest of my life. I opened my App Store & installed Tinder asap right before closing my eyes. I'll sign up tomorrow morning.

Josie ToniWhere stories live. Discover now