6-things that can happen in a day

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Okay this has been a weird day for everyone so I'm gunna need to go home and relax. Like as soon as possible.

"Okay Lexie. Here's what you gunna do. Your gunna go home, take a nice bubble bath, and forget about all your problems. Oh and you should probably also what a tv drama because you know that makes everyone feel better."
And I'm talking to myself again. This is just great.

I've come to a conclusion. I need to talk to someone (other than myself). Maybe someone else can give more some advice but really I have no one to ask.

Let's see here. I could ask Kim but I know she would tell me to go out with him because she's been wanting me to get a boyfriend since eight grade. Then there's mom but she would go ballistic if she knew I had befriended someone of the opposite gender. Okay so can't talk to her. I could talk to Nelson but he probably doesn't want to talk about any more girl issues with me. That rules him out.

As much as it pains me to say it, there's one person who could help me out. I really don't want to but I know she'll know what to do. I'll go talk to freakin Jennifer.

"JENNIFERR" I hollered up the stairs when I got back to my house.




Wait... What did she do to my ipad? I decided I would get to that subject later, but right now I need to talk to her.


I could hear her tiny feet pitter pattering down the stairs.

"Okay what do you need to talk to me about" she asked. "Sit down, this may take a while."

We both sat next to each other at the kitchen table for the next hour. I was telling her about everything that had happened about how I was getting new friends but then he asked me out and blah blah blah. She was staring at my hazel eyes very intently seeming like she was concentrating more than she would if she were talking a test.

I finally wrapped up my hour long speech waiting for her to reply. At first she didn't say anything. She just continued to look at me even after I was finished. She had her eyebrows furrowed she I could only infer that she was thinking about how to respond to what I just told her.

"Stop being a wuss and go" she told me very bluntly.

"What?" I wondered if we were still talking about the same subject here.

"Look, Lex, I know you. I've known you for sixteen years and one thing I know about you is that you blow things way out of proportion." Was she trying to help me or make me feel bad about my self? I decided not to argue yet since she looked like she was about to say more.

"It seems to me like it wasn't that big of a deal. All you gotta do is go on one date. It's not like you marrying the guy or once you go out you are committed to him or anything." Okay so maybe she is making some valid points. Still not convinced though.

"The reason why you don't get out much is because you over think everything. You obsess about what people are going to think about you are weather or not you will be weird are awkward or something like that." Maybe what she's saying is a little bit true... Maybe.

"You need to stop doing all those things. You are getting in the way of your self. Stop thinking about it. If you feel like you should go then go. If you think it's a bad idea then don't. This isn't really brain science here Lex. It's called being true to yourself. Maybe you should try it instead of caring about what other people think of you. At the end of the day, you are the one who has to live with yourself. Don't let yourself down Lex. And please, stop making all of the tiny and very fixable issues and turning them into these big over dramatized scenarios. You watch way to much tv."

Ugh. I hate it when she's right. Which I know she is. Why is she right about everything. I guess I'll just do what ever I think is right. That would be like listening to your heart right? Yeah same thing.

"Okay heart. Tell me what to do." Haha there I go talking to myself again. Wait. I still don't know what to do. See this is why I can't trust in my self! I'll just mess it up! Ohhhh... I think this is what she meant about me making things over dramatized.

I was super tired so I decided to go to bed early today. Wow a lot has happened in just one day. I think it's funny how you can wake up one morning feeling so great and happy but go to bed feeling confused and crushed. A lot can happen in just one day.

I never really thought about it but I just single handedly destroyed my chance of a relation ship in a less than five minutes. Wow. I gotta stop thing about time. Oh. Okay I'm doing that over dramatic thing again aren't I? Well... Oops. I guess I should probably work on that. Hey maybe I should join a theater group! What am I even talking about any more. I really need to bed I'm getting deleriou- *interruped by her passing out on her bed*

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