Executive Decision, Part II

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The Xavier Institute; War Room

Kurt Wagner – Nightcrawler – and Domino sit on one side of a large, circular table with an X engraved in it. On the other sit Pete Wisdom and Betsy Braddock – Psylocke. Wisdom is a former Black Air operative and served with Kurt on Excalibur. Betsy is a former X-Man and also served on Excalibur for a time. Domino knows them mostly by reputation.

"It is good to see the both of you again," says Kurt. "Now tell us, what brings you from England?"

"Business, fuzzy," says Wisdom. In his hand is a zippo lighter that he flicks open and closed with his thumb as he speaks. "Betsy and I've seen Rory Campbell."

"How is Rory these days?" asks Kurt. "It feels like ages since I've spoken to him."

"Doing good, has a nice, cushy new job, too," says Wisdom. "Actually, he's the reason we're here."

"Rory is organizing a worldwide mutant strike force to combat some of the many threats posed to mutantkind," says Betsy. "With the X-Men going public and X-Factor owing allegience to the States, that means it's easier than it ever has been for organizations which exploit mutants to function. Organizations like Black Womb."

"How do you know about Black Womb?" asks Domino. "None of that information has been released to the public."

"Rory's got connections, sunbeam," replies Wisdom.

"So you want a black ops team of X-Men?" asks Domino.

"We like to refer to it as X-Corps," says Wisdom. "We have a lot of people to speak with, but there are several prospects here in the Institute that we'd like to consult. The two of you are top of the list."

"Not interested," says Domino. "It's not that I don't agree with you, because actually I do. You're absolutely right, Wisdom – with the X-Men operating in a public capacity, that means we can't take on some of the more subtle threats to mutantkind. But I did the black ops thing. I did it for most of my life. I'm done with that now, I'm staying here."

"Fair enough," says Wisdom. "What about you, Kurt? I could use a commanding officer."

"You want me to lead this organization?" asks Kurt. "What about you, Betsy?"

"I'm no leader, Kurt," replies Betsy. "Perhaps for a small squad I am, but not for something as large as X-Corps. You've proven yourself as the leader of Excalibur and the X-Men."

"I appreciate the vote of confidence, but something like this is too large for me as well," says Kurt. "I have leadership experience, yes... but the X-Men and Excalibur are quite different from this X-Corps you're proposing. I'm not your man to lead this, Pete."

"Sorry to hear that, Kurt," says Wisdom.

"That being said, I still want to be a part of this," says Kurt. "And I have someone in mind who will serve in this leadership capacity far better than myself."



"It's pretty crowded," says Cable. "But I think it's a safe assumption that our mystery mutant is in there."

"Yes, there is a very interesting energy signature," says Xorn, the latest addition to the X-Men's ranks. "I wish to learn more of it."

"Let's move in," says Fantomex. He checks his handguns quickly, making sure that they are loaded.

"Slow down," says Cable. "I'm running this op, Fantomex."

"As if I care," says Fantomex. "I don't need any help, nor did I request any."

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