Chapter 9

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~ Asami ~

My eyes fluttered open as I started to regain my consciousness. My head was pounding and I felt like I had just been hit by a bus. I looked over to my side when I felt something soft and warm and realized that I was laying next to Korra in the ambulance. I tried to sit up a little, hoping to see Lin or one of our friends with us, but I couldn't move. It was like I was paralyzed from my shoulders down.

What the hell is happening to me?

I started to panic a little.

I turned my head when I hear what sounded like a sniffle and saw Kya and Lin sitting together. Kya had her arms wrapped around Lin, as Lin had her face in her hands. My eyes were starting to get blurry again, but I swear I saw her shoulders move as if she was crying and that made my heart ache.

I used up every last bit of energy I had to choke out some words. "M- ma. . .mom!" Lin and Kya both snapped up when they heard my voice and scooted over to my side. They grabbed one of my hands, and I could see the tears in both of their eyes.

"A-are you two o-okay?" I asked groggily.

Lin just chuckled slightly and looked over at Kya who was shaking her head.

"Kid, you got blown up twice, almost drowned and passed out and you're asking if i'm ok? Heh, yeah i'm ok. Just some scratches and bruises. How are you feeling kiddo?"

"I- I can't move. And my head hurts. . .and. . . Korra -" I said as I looked over at her.

Lin just put her hand on my head. "She's gonna be okay. Don't worry. You need to get some more rest. I'm not leaving your sides. I prom- "


"Sorry. . .We. . .aren't leaving your sides." She looked over at Kya and shook her head.

I just nodded a little in return. My head was pounding profusely and I couldn't focus on anything. I felt so helpless.

Why did this happen to us?

Why did he hurt her?

My fighting instincts kicked in at that moment and I started forcing my body to move even though every muscle screamed to stay down.

Lin and Kya both got up and held me down as much as they could as tears were now falling down my face like a waterfall.

"Why did- . . .why Korra?" I asked weakly as my tears continued falling. Lin looked over at Kya and gave her a solemn look before turning back to me with a new found passion in her eyes.

"I don't know kid. But i'm not gonna stop until I find out." She said as she grabbed my hand again. My eyes started losing focus once again as the adrenaline dissipated and before I knew it everything went black.


~ Lin ~

"She passed out again, Lin. Here. . .let's switch spots. I'm going to-"

"No, i'm fine right here."

"Sweetie. . .i'm not asking you to get out of the ambulance. Let me get on that side so I can work on healing their heads more. There's no telling what injuries they got."

"Alright." Was all I could muster out. I watched Kya go to work on the girls as I just sat there. . . .helpless.

Why would he do this? What made him snap?

"Kya, did you notice Mako acting weird at all today? I mean, he was at Air Temple Island helping you guys set up wasn't he? Did anything seem out of the ordinary?"

Unfailing LoveDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora