I wanna cry

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The next few days pass quickly and after spending two days with Ally you promised your boss to take the Friday shift because you are feeling better. So currently you are working at the cafe and it took a lot to convince Ally but you promised you would be fine and she let it go. She took care of some duties like taking some work calls and also cleaning the house and doing grocery shopping. She already took Oz to his friends house for the weekend and she is going to pick you up from your shift in the evening. You asked her if she can come to your apartment with you to pick some more things up because you decide you wanna stay for the weekend before going back because you don't wanna seem like a burden to her, although you haven't told her that yet. The entire day you feel butterflies and the smile just won't leave your face and it's the same for Ally. She hasn't had those feelings in a long time because her marriage went upside down quickly. You on the other hand have never experienced these feelings to be returned so it feels so special to have a beautiful woman like Ally in your life and you feel blessed the way she treats you, like her little princess and how caring and loving she is. The entire day your co-workers have asked and you are normally very private and you don't give too many details about your life but they eventually guessed you must be in love or something like that because you would never be in this good of a mood. After serving the last customers you are finally able to close up for the night and Ally shortly after walks in with the biggest smile and you can't hide your excitement. ''Is that her?'' your co-worker teases but you simply ignore them and finish. ''Hey babe'' Ally says and you give her a soft kiss which sends butterflies through your entire body. After you are finished you walk to Ally's car with her and you feel so happy just being here with her and holding her hands. ''So we going to get your things?'' Ally asks and you nod and you both make your way to the apartment. You arrive shortly after and take a deep breath before entering, you are still holding on to her hand as you unlock the front door. Everything seems fine and you walk into the bedroom to pack some more clothes for the weekend and also some other things you might need. Ally takes a little stroll around your place because she is curious what is causing this feeling you sometimes get as it only seems to happen in your apartment. She thought it might be mold or a gas leak or something like that so she did some google research and is currently looking for any signs. ''You know I can't see anything that might cause this feeling'' she explains and you feel bad that you can't let her in on why you are feeling this way and the fact you are a witch but that knowledge can be dangerous and you would never risk Ally's safety in any way. You are just about finished and in the bathroom getting some more things when you feel it again, this time it's very weak and you only start shaking a little. ''Ally we should leave'' you say and she starts worrying but you lie and tell her you are fine and simply finished because you don't wanna worry her further. 

The car ride back is silent and you already feel better but you can't help but feel as if you are maybe being watched by a witch hunter or something considering this feeling is connected to your apartment. There is no one in your apartment so it means it must be someone in the apartment block. You remember the building next to you is a small hotel as well so maybe some witch hunters are there and spying on you. The more you think about it, the more you worry and start overthinking and Ally can tell something is on your mind. ''Sweetheart are you okay?'' she asks while still focusing on the road. You try and distract both your thoughts and Ally's worrying so you say ''Yes I am and what are we doing this weekend'' and she noticed you changing the subject but she focusses on your question. ''Well as Oz is gone I was thinking maybe you wanna go out with me?'' and she has the sweetest smile on her face but you also noticed the lip biting which made your stomach flip. You have often dreamt about Ally even before you got closer to her and you sometimes had sexual thoughts about her. The truth is you never have had a girlfriend or partner before and you haven't had your first time yet and that makes you feel nervous and self conscious although you know Ally would be gentle with you. It takes a bit before you notice you haven't answered her yet so you quickly say ''I would love to go out, where would we go?'' and her face lights up with excitement. ''Well I don't really wanna go to my restaurant because it would feel too much like work so how about something more fancy?'' and you smile and internally thank yourself for packing something good to wear earlier. After getting inside the house you take a shower and Ally makes a reservation for tomorrow because it's already late and you feel tired. Instead of watching a movie or something again you both decide to go to sleep and after your shower you see Ally on the bed with her glasses and reading something on her phone and you can't help but smile at the sight. ''Hello sweetheart'' she says as she notices you approaching with an oversized t-shirt and she can't help but notice you only wearing some underwear exposing your legs. After lying down next to her you both turn towards each other and you close the gap and kiss her gently. The kiss goes a bit rougher after a little bit and Ally's tongue asks for permission which you give her but before anything else happens you pull away and meet Ally's brown eyes. ''Are you okay?'' she asks and you nod and explain ''Ally.  I-'' but you quickly feel a bit silly because Ally is this experienced woman who has been married and you are a goddamn virgin. ''I haven't you know done this before'' you manage to say and look down feeling embarassed. She lifts up your chin and causes you to look at her ''Listen to me that doesn't matter to me, don't be ashamed, I promise I will wait and whenever you are ready we will take it slow okay?'' and she looks at you with so much truth and you love her even more for her reaction. ''Thank you'' you answer and give her a soft kiss which causes her to smile into the kiss. You start yawning and she kisses your temples and offers for you to lie in her arms and listen to her heartbeat as you fall asleep, her holding you. 

Cordelia Goode x Reader x Ally Mayfair-Richards - Another LoveWhere stories live. Discover now