Chapter 10

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I woke up at 5 am and I couldn't sleep anymore so I went to Tristan's house. Even though I'm sure he wouldn't be happy about getting woken up at 5 am. I got up and walked towards the school doors and walked out. Tristan had told me were he lived I don't know why but he did. He lived a few miles from the school. For most people it would have been a good half hour walk, but I'm not most people. I'm a vampire. For me it took 2 minutes. When I got to his house, I peek I'm the Windows on the top floor. If your wondering how i could see again vampire( i jumped). Luckily the first window was his. When I looked in his bed was empty. Then a second later he came out of his bathroom. In. A. Towel. I was a little distracted and I fell of the window sill.

"Fuck!" I yelled.

He must of heared me yell because a second later the window started to open. Crap he can't see me he will think im a creepy stocker!

But before he opened the window I used my vamp speed and ran to the porch.

"Hello" I heared him shout from his window. Then he closed the window. I assumed he went back to bed. But then I heared the front door open. Fuck.

Tristan's P.O.V.

When i came out of the shower, I heard someone yell. So I walked to the window and opened it. When I look out. No one. So I went down stairs and opened the door. No one. So I went back inside.

Alana's P.O.V

I sighed in relief when I heard the door close. I waited another 10 minutes then knocked on the door. A minute later Tristan came to the door. Dressed. Unfortunity. He looked surprise and confutin.

"Uh.. What's are you doing here? At 5:30am?."he asked.

"I couldn't sleep." I said.

"Ok. Um... Wanna come in?" He asked.

"Sure." I said.

Then I walked inside and he lead me to his room.

"So.." I said.

"Yep." He said and folded his hands together."isn't it odd that whenever I'm around you I'm always nervous. He said

I blushed at what he said. "The feelings mutual." I said and smiled at him. He got up after a second, picked me up by my thighs and sat down and put me one his lap. I layed my head on his shoulder and he kissed my head.

We just sat there. In silence. He had layed his chin on my head earlier. I didn't say anything but it started to hurt. Then suddenly his hand lifted and went on my thigh. I shot up a little bit causing Tristan's bottom teeth to smash into his top teeth. I quickly stood up and looked at him.

"Aghh" he said getting up after me and went to the bathroom. I sat on his bed nervously picking my fingers with a frown on my face. Then I headed him yell, "fuck," what he said caused me to jump and my head shot up as he walked in the room with a annoyed look on his face. He came and sat on his bed beside me.

"What's wrong?" I asked not being able to stand the awkward silence. But he said nothing. "Tristan?"

"Its nothing don't worry about it." He finnaly said.

"Tell me." I said. "It's probrobly not a big deal."

He turned to face me. "No its not. I just chipped my tooth a bit." He said shrugging it off.

"Can I see?" I asked asumeing it was just a bit. Then he fake smiled to show my that his front tooth was half gone. "That is not a little bit!" I said looking at the huge gap in his front teeth.

"Its fine its just a chipped tooth I'll get it fixed." He said and shrugged his shoulders.

"I'll pay for it." I said a bit too cheerful even though I had no money.

"It's ok Alana. Really. Its fine." He said.

I sighed and sat down. I started to think of how he would look when he tried to show off to girl and smiling at them and them giving him a weird look. A small noise came out out of my mouth and I couldn't help but Burst out laughing

"What!" He said.

After taking a deep breath and letting out one final laugh I said " its" I tried to finish my sentence but I stared laughing again. " I just had a moment in my head." I finnaly got the words out of my mouth but laughed for another minute or two.

"About what?" He said a smirk growing on his face as he winked at me. I blushed a light pink. He smiled when he saw it and pecked my lips.

"Well its 6:00 you should go get ready for school." He said getting up.

"I think that can wait." I said standing up and kissed him.


So guys what do you think of Tristan so far?

Is there anything you want me to add to the story?

Sorry about the short chapters most of you probrobly want like 6 paged story's, but these chapters take over twice as long as they do to read.

Any ways I hope your enjoying the story so far.




Love you guys xoxo!!!

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