Chapter Eight

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John showed them into the house, but didn't get much farther than the living room before excusing himself. He claimed he had other business to attend to, but Dean could tell he was still getting over the fact that his sons didn't want to live under his roof. Dean didn't mind that John left so quickly. It actually gave him a sense of relief once John was gone, leaving the four of them to figure out sleeping arrangements and what not.

"I want this room!" Jack called from inside the first room, closest to the living room. Dean peeked his head inside, looking around the room, smaller than the other ones. The bed was a twin size with white sheets and a dark blue comforter, all very clean looking. Jack tossed his bag on the bed, turning in a circle until his eyes met Dean's, a grin on his face. "Can I please have this room, Dean?"

Dean snorted, leaning against the doorframe. "Sure, Jack. I don't see why not," he agreed, jumping as someone came up behind him, a strong hand on his shoulder. Suddenly, Cas was next to him in the doorway, inches between them as they looked over Jack the same way John and Mary used to check in on Dean when he was little. They would stand together in the doorway, watching Dean as he tired himself out by babbling about whatever his little head could come up with.

"Cas, Dean said I could have this room," Jack shared, sitting on the bed as he ran his hands over the new bedspread. "It's the smallest, but that's okay. I get my own room. I've never had my own room." He was still smiling that contagious grin of his, making Cas chuckle as he leaned against the opposite side of the door frame as Dean. This all felt so domestic, Dean was starting to enjoy it. "Not that I minded sharing a room with you, Cas. This is just a nice change."

"I'm sure it is," Cas hummed, eyes darting to Dean's, holding his gaze. "Dean, we should let Jack settle into his new room. Come on," he insisted, throwing Jack one last smile as he left the doorway, Dean following behind him without a complaint. He wasn't sure why he was following Cas when all of his things were still in the living room where he planned on sleeping, but he still let Cas lead him down the hall, past the room where Sam was currently laying in his own bed, most likely napping. The last room at the end of the hall was the only unclaimed room and Cas pushed the door open, letting Dean walk past him into the middle of the room before the door was closed behind them.

Dean shoved his hands in his pockets, looking around the room with fake interest. He hardly paid much attention to the details of the room. He was more concerned with being shut into a room with Cas, just the two of them. It was different from sleeping next to him in the living room, or being alone with him on supply runs. Those were out in the open, for anyone to see. This was different. This was terrifying.

"Are you okay?" Cas asked, and it was then Dean realized Cas had moved closer, inches between them as Dean reluctantly met his eyes. He felt his heart pounding against his chest like crazy. After two months, he thought these feelings would fade. He thought he'd be able to control his own body. "Your father. . . he seems to have missed you," Cas went on, when Dean didn't answer. They continued holding eye contact, the moment becoming slightly awkward. "But you didn't seem to share that same sentiment," Cas added, hitting it right on the nose.

"I was glad to see him alive," Dean admitted, taking a step back from the angel, in hopes of making his breaths even out again. Seriously, two months, and he still couldn't be close to Cas without acting like a horny teenager. Dean moved backwards until his legs hit the edge of the queen sized bed, forcing him to sit. Cas followed him, but instead of sitting, he towered over Dean directly in front of him. "There's a lot to unpack there," he continued, his chest tightening for a whole other reason now.

"You have a strained relationship with your father," Cas observed, closer and closer, nearly slotting himself between Dean's legs. This guy had no idea what personal space was. "He used to control you. Maybe he thinks he still does. Yet you chose us over him," Cas continued, cocking his head to the side as he stared into Dean's eyes, and maybe even Dean's soul. Could angels do that? See into people's souls? Not that he had any kind of powers right now anyways, but it still made Dean panic a little at the thought of being so vulnerable in front of Cas. "That took great strength, Dean. I'm proud of you."

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