Learning the basics

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While the cloud drove her home Ena read through the pages of the book she checked out she only got past the point explaining what a period was before they arrived home so she put her book mark in the book and carried it in along with the groceries as soon as she set the bags and the book down the apologized for taking so long
"Its oki but do you have the stuff"
You asked being pretty needy
"Yes i do but I need to ask you something"
Ena said with some knowledge of what a period was
"Yeah sure what is it?"
You said while walking over to the counter and getting the ice cream out of the bag grabbing the spoon that just so happened to be on the counter as well.
"I heard that during a period a woman's internal organs are crumbling and the remains start leaking out of... There causing cramps and other things am I misinformed or is that the reason you got blood on the sheets."
Ena asks loud and clear you start tearing up telling Ena your sorry about it still barely being able to talk through the tears
"It's okay I'm not one bit mad I'm just confused and concerned"

-A what?- Ena x Fem Reader (Joel g)Where stories live. Discover now