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Monday night was a mess.

Min Ho had woken up, and did his usual morning routine, would go run, come back, shower and go to work.

He was a busy man, not having time for almost anything since he would always be stuck in his office working. He would only make time to run in the morning and that was it.

He never dated, maybe once. He never even went out with his friends which worried them because he was always working. He was fine, he thought he was but he constantly got insomnia and had a really messed up eating and sleeping schedule.

His parents would always tell him to already settle down with someone so he could have someone to care for him and attend him, but of course he always said he was fine.

Mondays were the messiest day of the week. He had meetings to attend, papers to sign and lots of calls to make. He would be going from place to place, just running around getting things done.

"You should really consider getting a secretary. You can't do everything yourself." Said his work partner, Sam.

She had been with him ever since even opened his own company. They were both pretty successful.

"I don't know, i should right." He said not even looking at her since he was too busy reading and singing documents.

"I'm putting up a notice on the website. I'll see you later for lunch." She said getting out of his office.

"What should we get for lunch? Does pasta sound good to you?"

"Sure, let me get my stuff."
[Was this even necessary, lol]

After lunch, he had gone back to work.

As got in his office, he felt a little lightheaded. He shook it off and walked inside, heading to the coffee machine. As he was about to grab a cup, he fell to the ground, the glass cup shattering into pieces.

That's how Sam found him a while later. She freaked out and called the ambulance panicking.

About an hour later, he woke up confused. He was in his couch on his office, while Sam sat next to him looking away from her phone when she saw him move.

"Geez, you always gave me a heart attack! Have you not been taking care of yourself? I'm really getting you that secretary." She said as she helped him get up.

"Give me water please." He said ignoring her comment, she rolled her eyes and did as he said.

"Okay but really, why did you faint? Have you not been eating? Please Minho, just listen for once. Don't overwork yourself." She said sounding worried.

He knew how much she cared about him. She was only 2 years younger but she felt like his big sister sometimes.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 13, 2021 ⏰

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