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Three days had passed, three peaceful days of perfect seclusion since Marco had rudly interrogated me on the stairs. There was something about him that made me feel... unsettled I couldn't place it but something was off with him. To make things worse I had gone and passed out and I'm positive he took advantage of that and snooped around.

Shelfing the thoughts, I began dealing the other issue at hand. Sitting undisturbed on the window sill was a blue hardback book I'd borrowed from the library and it was about time to make a trip back.

To make my life more difficult today was a particularly humid turning the inside of my home into a sweltering sauna. Right now my best solution was to lay on the cool floor occasionally moving to find a cooler spot, my aggravation growing with the temperature.

"I thought it was spring! What the hell is with this heat!"

The last of my resolve crumbles as I rise from the ground looking around my small abode wondering what I could possibly wear in this humidity that wouldn't uncomfortable cling to me.

Since most of my clothes were hanging in the old closet back home, hours away from here... the thought that he might have thrown them out or possibly burned them crossed my mind. 'Definitely shelving that thought' I lift myself from the ground and started rifling through my one drawer looking for clothing.

Eventually I find a pair of shorts in a nice mocha color with decently deep pockets if I remember correctly. Next was a nice button up that I tie up to stop at the helm of my bottoms. Next I slipped on some socks before lacing up my favorite pair of hiking boots. They were impractical due to the heat but no way I'd go anywhere with out adequate foot protection.

Finding my shoulder bag I pack up the book I'd checked out from my last vist. Locking the door I headed down the steps feeling already cooler with the breeze.

After a short walk and only mild discomfort I reached the old weathered brick building its walls decorated with long vines of honeysuckles speckeld with bright yellow flowers. The building was the very definition of a story book library and whats even more magical was the new Ac unit. Not spending a second longer baking in the sun I enter the small building the ringing of a bell signaling my entrance.

The most delightful cool breeze skates across my clammy skin giving me chills as I cross the threshold, the overwhelming smell of old books helping put me at ease.

"Why hello there." A soft feminine voice greets, as she relaxes on a small stool behind the counter her long ebony hair pulled over her shoulder and held with a small tie, her large blue eyes showing recognition when she looked at me.

"Welcome back, here to turn in your previous book?"She countined as I closed the door careful to lift it up so it would fit in the frame and shut properly.

"How was it - worth the read?" She questioned closing her book to give me her sole attention as I approached the counter.

"It was a nice read, just wish they would last longer sometimes, you know?"

I say pulling the book out my satchel and placing the thick material on the counter letting her look over it before placing it on a return cart.

"Alright you're all set if you'd like to check out another one go ahead and take your time, if you need my help just ask, okay?" She says giving me a gentle smile before also returning to her now open book. I can appreciate her shortness, I'm not much of a conversationalist myself. Freeing us both I leave to explore another part of the anicent library.

Walking down the main isle occasionally glancing at each section I debat on what to read next, feeling drawn to the enormous fiction section towards the back. On the shelves were lines of book, some bound in old leather, others thin just like normal paper backs, and my favorite hardbacks with stiff spins that crack with every new reader. Searching the long rectangular shapes for a title that brings up any semblance of familiarity, I find myself lost in the titles each one promising foreign lands of magic, ruthless villains, and happy endings that don't require true sacrifice. Something that is far removed from what reality truly is.
Something eventually pulls my eyes towards one book in particular.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 26 ⏰

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