Last spring

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''God damn it Y/N what the hell happened to you'' Ally shouts and this is the first time she has ever raised her voice at you and the first time you have ever seen her this upset with you and in general. That woman has gone through more in her life than anyone you know and yet you managed to upset her so she is currently staring at you with eyes slowly filling with tears. Ally is a woman with a very interesting but also traumatic past. After moving to Michigan you started working near the restaurant her ex-wife Ivy and her used to own and that's how you eventually met her. Her wife got into a cult with a man named Kai Anderson, he was the leader and made sure to make Ally's life a living nightmare. They used to plant things in Ally's house like comics of clowns which Ally fears and also just make every single one of her days a living nightmare which made her go a little crazy and she went to therapy and also had to take medication. The thing about Ally is, she is a fighter and throughout it all she got out stronger. She fought a battle against her wife, to get her son back and for her life multiple times when either people from the Cult dressed as clowns were threatening her or her being near a shooting. Even when Kai threatened Ally on live television she was so strong and she didn't even flinch when he got shot or pointed a gun in her face. She seems like a movie character but Ally is a very strong and independent woman not to mention a single mother. You only met her in the middle of the whole thing after Ivy died and you weren't really there in her darkest moments yet but you have seen her upset and nothing like this kind of upset. As your and Ally's connection got stronger she told you all of these details about the cult, her ex-wife and her son and everything she went through. She felt confident enough to share with you that she actually poisoned Ivy and although you should probably be scared you weren't because you know what that woman did to Ally and her family and you would have probably killed her too if you were there back then. ''Are you even listening to me?'' Ally snaps and suddenly you are away from all the flashbacks and thoughts and you are right back in Michigan in Ally's house on a rainy autumn afternoon. As you scan Ally's features you notice a few things about her you have never noticed before like how her nose wrinkles when she is mad and how her eyebrows furrow. You clear your throat because it feels like you can't talk and there is a big lump in your throat and you try to think of something to calm her down ''Yes I am listening I am sorry Ally'' you manage to say and her face seems to soften a bit which calms you down slightly. ''Are you gonna say anything about what happened?'' she asks and your mind is currently blank and you feel numb so you do what you usually do which is run away and have some time to yourself to think. ''I'm gonna go out to think for a while, I'm sorry'' you mumble and you look into her brown eyes one more time before walking out the front door. The brown in her eyes has this intensity and it feels like whenever her eyes are locked onto yours it's a memory of someone and you know what someone but let's not go there yet.

As you close the front door behind you, the cold air immediately makes you shiver a little but it doesn't take long for you to feel comfortable being outside. Although it is chilly you pull up your hood and you take in your surroundings as you leave the house and start walking down the street. Something you have always loved is the smell of rain and you take some deep breaths as you walk aimlessly in any direction possible. You walk down a street and soon enough you see some trees and it's very quiet apart from the quiet sound of rain, the birds and occasionally a cars or two driving past. Your mind quickly wanders back to where you just came from and whom. You have never liked arguing because in arguments people usually say stuff that they truly mean and feel in that moment it just comes out more horrible and they would apologize for it afterwards but what good is that if the words hurt you? That's probably why you often avoid arguments and tell people what they want to hear as a coping mechanism to just not have people say things they will regret later. Thinking about this it brings you back to why you were arguing in the first place and Ally probably has every right to be mad at you at the moment. Ally getting into politics and being the United States Senator for the city of Michigan makes you incredibly proud and no one deserves it more than her. Her job has been stressful not to mention she still takes care of the restaurant besides hiring a new manager, and due to that you have to spend a lot of time with Oz and take care of him. Oz Mayfair- Richards is one of the most clever ten year old's you have ever met in your life and you really care about him so Ally asked if you can pick him up from school today like you have done a million times already. Every time she asked you, you made sure to be there on time and take him out on a fun day while his mother is at work before dropping him off back at Ally's house and she would thank you and tell you what a good friend you are or she would sometimes invite you inside but most of the time but once you refused politely making up some excuses. Today was different however you were ready to pick him up and take him to the park he likes to go but then something happened and that hasn't happened in years so you didn't make it to his school and Ally was furious because she had to cancel an important meeting. 

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